Ch.8 Stop It

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(Y/N) was standing over a kneeling Akame and Leone who each had a massive bump on their heads. He crossed his arms and started tapping his foot on the floor waiting for one of them to explain why they broke into his house, got into bed with him, and why they called him husband and lover. (Y/N) knew they weren't there to kill him otherwise he would have have felt their killer intent, even in his sleep. He didn't have time to deal with them as he was almost late for school. So he quickly made breakfast for himself and his intruders and headed out the door, but they both had Kuoh Academy uniforms and followed him out. (Leone will be 18)

3rd POV

(Y/N) : Now, explain why you broke into my house" he demanded walking as Leone wrapped her arm around his neck

Leone : Is it so wrong that a woman wants to see her lover" she answered pulling him into her breasts

Akame : I came to protect your virtue" she said making (Y/N) raise an eyebrow

(Y/N) : Why do you care about my virtue?" he asked

Akame : Because I'm going to take it" she responded with a blank face

Leone : Akame is going to be your wife, while I become the mistress" she said as Akame nodded in agreement

(Y/N) : Is that really something to agree to?" he asked a little annoyed

Leone : Of course, Akame will get her husband, and I'll still get my lover, its a win win" she said

(Y/N) : How do I win?" he asked angrily that they decided this without his consent

Leone : Oh come on, you get two beautiful girls all to yourself, doesn't that sound exciting" she said as (Y/N) groaned in annoyance

(Y/N) : Ugh, now why are you wearing Kuoh Academy uniforms, I've never seen either of you attend school?" he asked

Akame : Najenda, told us to keep a close eye on you and make sure you don't join any devil peerages" she answered

Leone : Yup, we heard Lucifer and Leviathan's litter sisters have made contact with you, and we were told to keep you away from them" she said

(Y/N) : Why?" he asked

Akame : Najenda still wants you to join Night Raid, you've proven that your incredibly strong and she doesn't want any devils to have your power" she said

(Y/N) : Isn't she after my power as well?" he asked Leone

Leone : Yes, but we'll use your powers to help others, we hunt down and murder numerous corrupt high ranking devils who mistreat their peerages, or kill humans just for fun" she said

Akame : We gather sacred gear users and have them help us with our cause" she said

Leone : Last month, their were nine of us, one was killed by a devil, and the other two were destroyed by a monster named Esdeath" she said clenching her fist

Akame : We managed to take one of our fallen comrades sacred gear, known as Cross Tails, but we were to late too recover the others" she said sadly

(Y/N) : Who is Esdeath?" he asked curious

Leone : This is Esdeath" she said pulling out a picture

Leone : This is Esdeath" she said pulling out a picture

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I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now