Ch.18 Nothing Will Ever Be The Same

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One of the Vanadis has appeared before (Y/N) and Esdeath. She is Ludmila Lourie the Vanadis of ice and the younger sister of Esdeath. The two sisters glare at each before Ludmila sends a large ball of ice at Esdeath. (Y/N) steps in the way and slices the ice ball with ease confusing Ludmila.

3rd POV

Ludmila : Tell me, why are you protecting that monster, she has murdered many and will murder more if allowed to live, now answer my question" she demanded as (Y/N) got into a stance

(Y/N) : I don't need to tell you shit, now either you leave us alone or stay and face my blades" he warned as Ludmila got in her own stance pointing her spear at (Y/N)

Ludmila : Honestly, all you men are brutes" she said as both fighters charged each other

Ludmila charged (Y/N) trying to pierce him with her spear, but (Y/N) crossed his sword and blocked the attack. (Y/N) sweeps her feet as she plants her spear in the ground and uses it to pivot her body and kick (Y/N) in the chest staggering him and sending him back. (Y/N) recovered and rushed Ludmila with a barrage of slashes, she blocks each slash and counters. As both their blades clashed, Ludmila is managing to counter each of (Y/N) attacks and landing hits as (Y/N) wasn't able to even scratch her. 

(Y/N) : Dammit, she really good with that spear" he muttered as another voice spoke

??? : Of course dumbass, if she wants to be called a Vanadis she has to master her weapon" a voice said making (Y/N) look around

(Y/N) : Who's there?" he demanded

??? : Someone, now don't worry I'll reveal my self when the time comes, or when the author decides to expose me" he said confusing the boy

(Y/N) : Author?" he asked

??? : Just focus on the fight so we can move the scene along" he sighed as Ludmila blasted (Y/N) with a large snow storm 

(Y/N) was buried underneath a layer of snow, he coated his entire body with fire to free himself. When (Y/N) stood up, Ludmila used her sacred gear to change the weather to a blizzard, unleashing the harsh cold weather to London and it's people. Many citizens ran inside to shelter themselves from the cold leaving (Y/N), Esdeath and Ludmila the only ones on the streets. 

Ludmila : You should surrender and leave sister to their own business" she said as (Y/N) glared at her

(Y/N) : Sorry, but I need your sister for something" he responded as Esdeath walked up to the two

Esdeath : Yes (Y/N) plans to take me in the Big Ben tower while my screams and moans of pleasure spread out to the people of London" she said as Ludmila glared at (Y/N)

Ludmila : Pervert" 


Esdeath : It's not really"

??? : You kind of are"

(Y/N) : EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP" he shouted charging Ludmila again, but she uses the storm to hide

(Y/N) stopped in his tracks and searched for Ludmila, using his sense was useless as she was hiding her energy reading. Ice spears began coming out of nowhere, (Y/N) dodged all of them, but as he jumped to avoid one, Ludmila rushed him from behind and slashed her spear down into (Y/N) shoulder. He held the spear in place taking Ludmila by surprise and kicked her in the stomach sending her flying and crashing into a parked car. (Y/N) held the spear in his hand, until he felt a surge of pain rush into his arm and dropped the spear clenching his hand. He screamed in pain, never has he felt such pain, impaled, slashed, burning, dismemberment and torture were nothing to him, but this was far greater than anything. He was on his knees clenching his teeth as Ludmila recovered and picked up her spear and held it to (Y/N) neck.

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now