Ch.25 What Is This Power

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I stood their, inspecting the large man before me. I felt very hot for some odd reason and I'm guessing he was the source.

Escanor : Tell me, are you just going to stand there admiring my power, or are actually going to do something productive with your life" he said making me narrow my eyes at him

(Y/N) : Fine, are there any rules?" I asked removing some of my clothing to reduce my body temperature 

Escanor : No, rules only hold us back, we do not need such trivial things in our training" he said

(Y/N) : You are quite the prideful one, its really starting to piss me off" I said glaring at the man

Escanor : It is only natural for the weak to resent the strong, do not be ashamed at the difference of our powers, I will be the strongest being you will ever face" he declared making me charge at him with Incursio's Key

As I swung my sword at his chest, he blocked me using the handle of his axe. I jumped back and continued striking, but he continued blocking my attacks and it started getting hotter. I tried using some spells on him, but they were nullified, someone or something must've been canceling my spells. As I was lost in thought, I received a powerful punch to the face that sent me crashing hard into the ground. I slowly picked myself up and saw Escanor decided to finally throw a punch. I saw him raise his axe high in the air and swung it down towards me. A powerful force destroyed the ground beneath us and I was now sitting next to a trench and missing another right arm. I jump away to escape the dust cloud he created, but Escanor appeared behind me so quick I couldn't see it. In his right hand was a large ball of fire, the ball of fire started to expand as he continued looking at me.

Escanor : Cruel Sun" he said pushing the giant ball of fire into my back sending me towards the ground

3rd POV

With the ball of fire pushing (Y/N) down to the ground, he couldn't escape due to the force the attack possessed and had to watch as the ground came closer and closer, until...


The large ball of fire had expanded by a least twenty times upon impact, a large sphere of fire surrounded the battlefield as (Y/N) remained in the center. Escanor only watched as the ball continued expanding and destroying anything in it's way. In an instant, the sphere vanished only leaving behind a crater and an unconscious (Y/N) with a scorched back.

Escanor : Hm, it seems he was able to withstand my attack, I believe you are at least worthy enough to amuse me" he said appearing before (Y/N) body

Escanor then bent down and turned (Y/N) on his back while tapping him on the face to make sure he was unconscious. 

Escanor : He's unconscious, just like you wanted Merlin" he said as Merlin appeared in the crater kneeling down to (Y/N)

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Escanor : He's unconscious, just like you wanted Merlin" he said as Merlin appeared in the crater kneeling down to (Y/N)

Merlin then placed (Y/N) head in her lap and started ruffling his hair.

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now