Ch.30 The Kids

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3rd POV

As Hidan jumped down into an alley to get the drop on Chelsea who was currently carrying a ton of shopping bags in hand.

Chelsea : "I'm sure (Y/N) wouldn't mind a little debt" she said with a smile flashing (Y/N) credit card in her hand

Hidan : "Just a little bit closer" he said as Chelsea finally came within reaching position making Hidan swing his scythe towards her head


Hidan : "WHAT THE HELL?!" he questioned as Yu blocked his swing with Murasame

Yu : "I WON'T LET YOU HURT HER!" he shouted kicking Hidan in the stomach sending him flying further into the alley

Yu then stood by Chelsea protectively and looked at her.

Yu : "Go home and stay there, you're not safe here" he said confusing Chelsea who just ran away

Hidan : "You damn brat" he growled as Yu got into a stance and glared at the now black skinned man

Hidan : "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" he roared rushing Yu with his scythe

Suddenly a loud gunshot rang out and Hidan fell down to the ground. A bullet hole on his forehead was seen leaking blood as Ruby jumped from the roofs and landed behind Hidan's motionless body.

Ruby : "Is he?" she questioned as Yu summoned a small ball of fire in his hand and made contact with Hidan's body

The flame spread quickly as Hidan's body and clothes became fuel for the fire. Slowly, the body turned black and charred, then with a hard stomp Yu made the body disappear into nothing but ash in the wind.

Yu : "Now he is" he said now facing Ruby

Yu :" Did you see the others by any chance?" he asked Ruby who shook her head

Ruby : "I couldn't see anyone else, it looks like we were all separated when we arrived" she said making Yu go into thought

Yu : "Well we prevented Dad from destroying the world, but what do we do now?" he asked Ruby who shrugged

Ruby : "We still have to deal with Grandfather sooner or later, and because we changed the timeline, Dad might not be strong enough to beat him now" she said

Yu : "Damn, just one problem after another, for now we'll need to set up a base and try to find the others, wouldn't want to run into our parents in the past, we might change some major events" he assumed as Ruby sighed

Ruby : "Now who would tell our past parents we're their children from the future?" she asked laughing softly making Yu's eyes widen as one person passed through his mind

Yu : "We need to get home right now!" he said running out of the alley as Ruby followed

~Scene Change~

At the (Y/N) mansion, Kurumi stood before the entrance with a smile. Just as she was about to knock on the front door, Yu tackled her to the ground.

Yu : "NO DON'T!" he shouted quickly standing up and pulling her away from the mansion's front doors to prevent being spotted

Asia then opened the door to see what the loud noises were, but saw nothing and closed the door much to the relief of Yu.

Yu : "Do you have any idea what could've happened if you told mom and dad your relationship with them?" he asked standing above her with crossed arms

Kurumi : "They'd invite me for a hot home made dinner" she replied

Yu : "Maybe Mom, but Dad's another story, you remember what Mom said before she passed away" he said

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