Ch.26 Our Power

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Hours after having some fun with Yui, Sora and Asia, (Y/N) picked each of them up and put them into their own bed. Asia gave (Y/N) a final kiss goodnight and fell asleep. (Y/N) was going to do the same, but he heard someone knocking on his front door, Sora felt someone enter the barrier and went with her master to investigate. Sora hid behind the door as (Y/N) opened it to find...

3rd POV

(Y/N) : Oh, it's you" he said opening the door to see a bloodied Irina and an unconscious Xenovia over her shoulder

Irina : Please, help us" he choked out before falling to the ground exhausted

(Y/N) : Why are you here and how did you find me?" he asked holding a bound sword behind his back

Irina : We were defeated by Valper and his angel" she responded getting (Y/N) attention

(Y/N) : An angel working for someone excommunicated? Must be a fallen" he said

Irina : No, she was an angel, she had pink wings and a halo above her head" she explained as (Y/N) picked up the two and plopped them on the couch

Irina : She was so powerful, we never stood a chance, they took both of our Excalibur's" she explained as (Y/N) started shifting through the books he got from Elias

(Y/N) picked out a healing book and raised his palm towards Irina and Xenovia.

(Y/N) : Maximize Magic Middle Cure Wounds" he chanted summoning a green magic circle that healed both Irina and Xenovia's wounds 

(Y/N) : Maximize Magic Mass Slight Cure Wounds" he chanted again, but this time he targeted himself and regrew his arm in the process

Xenovia woke up and when her eyes landed on (Y/N), she jumped in surprise and took a stance.

Xenovia : What are you doing?" she questioned with a glare

(Y/N) : Shut up and explain what happened" he demanded

Irina : Well we found Valper hiding in an abandoned building nearby, we were about to finish him, but he called his angel companion, Alpha was it?" she asked Xenovia who reluctantly sat down next to her

Xenovia : Yes, he called her Alpha, and to make it worse, he still has many more of them" she informed

(Y/N) : Why did you come to me then?" he asked Irina

Irina : We needed help and I didn't want to ask the devils, also seeing as your one of the few humans in this town that knows of the supernatural so....." she trailed off as (Y/N) sighed

(Y/N) : Anything else?" he asked

Irina : Yep, do you have anything to eat?" she asked as her and Xenovia stomachs grumbled making them blush in embarrassment

After having the besting cooking of their lives, Irina and Xenovia led (Y/N) and Night Raid to the abandoned building. They looked around for a while, but came up with nothing, until the loud flaps of wings caught their attention.

Kokabiel : Well look at that, the church got reinforcements" he said appearing above them with an arrogant smirk

Xenovia : Kokabiel, we demand you hand over the Excalibur fragments or face my wrath" she said summoning Durandal from its imprisonment and pointing it at him

Kokabiel : Oh, it looks like you have quite the weapon, though I would've liked to kill you right now, I'm busy trying to start the new war" he admitted

(Y/N) didn't waste anytime, he flash stepped behind Kokabiel, but the black winged angel smirked and slapped him out off the sky with one of his wings. (Y/N) crashed into the ground hard, as the others tried to register what happened. Night Raid ran to his side as Kokabiel laughed.

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