Ch.22 You Will Never Understand

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Sona and Tsubaki were currently walking to school, but stopped once they saw members of the church waiting outside the school gates. Sona looked at the two females of the group, but the male of their group gained more of her attention. She felt an abnormal amount of holy magic coming from the sword on his back, she closed her book and approached the group. The church members warned the Sitri heir to not interfere with their affairs with the fallen angels. A blue haired one called Xenovia said they needed to meet with the Gremory heir and inform her of the same thing. After promising to relay the message, the church members began to leave, but Sona wanted to ask the male something.

3rd POV

Sona : Excuse me, but can I get your name?" she asked as the male removed his hood and revealed his face shocking Sona

Basara : My name is Basara Naruse " he answered as Sona picked up her glasses

(I had to change his last name, because it was Toujou and Koneko's last name is Toujou)

Sona : Tell me, do you perhaps have any siblings?" she asked as Basara stiffened and walked towards Sona

Basara : Yes, I do, I have a little brother, but he went missing a couple of years ago after we left him in an orphanage somewhere in America" he responded as Sona looked at Tsubaki

Sona : Didn't he teleport us to America?" she asked her queen

Tsubaki : Yes, could he perhaps?-

Basara : Wait, do you know a male with (h/c) and (e/c)?" he asked as Sona sighed

Sona : I'm sorry, but I shouldn't say anymore" she said beginning to walk away, but Basara grabbed her arm

Basara : Please if you have any information about my brother, please tell me" he begged as Sona pulled her arm away

Sona : I'm sorry, but I can't say anymore, I've already said to much" she said walking into school with Tsubaki

Basara watched the two head into school as Xenovia and Irina approached him

Xenovia : You think she's hiding something?" she asked

Basara : Yes, no matter what it takes, I will get that information" he said as the three left the school gates

~Time Skip~

It was lunchtime and (Y/N) was currently resting under his shady tree with the rest of the girls, just then Saji came and said Sona needed to talk to him about something. (Y/N) refused to go, but when Saji said someone who looked similar to (Y/N) came by looking for his little brother, that got his attention and he decided to go, along with everyone else.

(Y/N) : What's this I hear about some who looks like me?" he asked walking inside the Student Council Room and seeing Rias with her peerage there

Sona : Just this morning three members of the church stood in front of the school gates and approached me with a message to Rias, after that conversation I looked at the male of the group and he looked a lot like you" she said surprising everyone

Rias : Was that all?" she asked

Sona : No, his name is Basara Naruse, he said he was looking for his little brother which was left in an orphanage in America" she informed

(Y/N) : Did he mention the name of the orphanage?" he asked as Sona shook her head

Sona : Sorry, but no" she replied

Sona : Also-

(Y/N) : He possessed a powerful holy sword I know, I felt it" he said cutting her off shocking everyone

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