Ch.21 Sending A Message

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Azazel explained he wanted to learn about (Y/N) sacred gear Incursio's Key, but (Y/N) said if he continued stalking him, he would declare war on the fallen angels, making Azazel leave without another word. Three days later, (Y/N) was currently in his house studying more spells as the other girls were in same room doing nothing. They all wanted to do something together, but (Y/N) refused to go anywhere, as the girls kept trying to convince (Y/N) to go, a knock on the door was heard and he answered it.

3rd POV

Yubelluna : DIE!" she shouted shooting her magic at (Y/N)

The attack landed and created a smokescreen, Yubelluna smirked and was about to leave, but a hand come from the smoke and grabs her by the face.

(Y/N) : Stupid bitch, did you really think a sneak attack would work" he said as the smoke cleared and Yuballuna's eye widen to see (Y/N) had taken no damage from her attack

(Y/N) : If you couldn't even defeat Rias knight, what hope do you have against me" he said throwing her into the rest of Riser's peerage, without Riser 

Mira : We will fulfill our orders and drag you to the underworld" she said rushing him, but receives a back hand to the face sending her crashing into the ground

(Y/N) : Oh, what orders?" he questioned as the rest of Riser's pawns jumped at him

Burent : We don't have to answer a low class human" she said as the pawns were about to jump him, but they all get sent flying by a giant ice block

Esdeath : My, it looks like weak devils are trying to look tough by attacking as one, but really you don't stand a chance" she said appearing from (Y/N) home, followed by Night Raid, the Trinity Seven and the Jaegers.

Isabela : Damn it, we need to leave lady Ravel" she said as Ravel tried activating teleportation magic, but couldn't

Ravel : What!?" she said surprised

Sora : Sorry, but after attacking (Y/N), we really can't let you go without answers, so I decided to trap you in our dimension" she said revealing Riser's pieces trapped in a giant barrier

Yubelluna : Curse you, quickly kill the child" she ordered as the peerage charged at Sora who smirked

Sora : You'll die trying" she said snapping her fingers and summoning five magic circles and firing her magic at the devils

Sora : You'll die trying" she said snapping her fingers and summoning five magic circles and firing her magic at the devils

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Sora hit everyone trying to charge her, but before she could finish them, (Y/N) stopped her

Sora : Oh, have you perhaps gained a bit of mercy?" she asked with a smug grin

(Y/N) : Of course not, but you shouldn't hog all of them to yourself" he said as evil laughing was heard behind the two

Seryu : FINALLY JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED!" she shouted as Koro was now giant and bit into Seryu arm

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now