Ch.29 How The Second Great War Started

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3rd POV

Tyrant : "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

Krebskulm : "WHAT!?

Satanael : "GOOD LORD!"

God : "Yes?"

Satanael : "Shut the fuck up!"

God : "What are the three of you screamin-HOLY SHIT!"

(Y/N) didn't say nothing, he remained motionless with a shadow covering his eyes.

Tyrant : "Partner?" he asked, until he noticed both of (Y/N) eyes held Incurio's symbols and he wielded Incursio's Key in his hands

(Y/N) : "I, who am about to awaken," he said making a silver aura surround him

Tyrant : "OH SHIT!" he shouted shocked

(Y/N) : "Am the Dragon who has liberated the principle of limitation from God" he chanted with Incursio now equipped

(Y/N) : "I'll surpass the 'infinite', and I'll consume the 'dream'" he continued making his armor grow much larger in size

Tyrant : "WE NEED TO STOP HIM AT ONCE!" he shouted

Krebskulm : "(Y/N)! ONE OF THE GIRLS WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU!" she cried out


Satanael : "SPONGEBOB IS OUTSIDE!" he shouted getting confused looks from the three

Satanael : "I DON'T KNOW WHAT KIDS LIKE!" he shouted

(Y/N) : "I shall become the Ultimate Dragon of Absolutness" he continued as a massive set of dragon wings sprouted from his back

Tyrant : "DON'T DO IT!!!" he called out, but it was no use

(Y/N) : "And I shall relinquish you from the realm of metamorphosis" he finished as his body and armor finally completed combining

With a loud roar, the girls quickly exited the house only to find a large armored dragon in their front yard. As they all prepared to fight, the dragon looked at them with its signature cross slit pupil.

Akame : "(Y/N)?" she questioned surprising the girls as he suddenly flapped his wings and headed over to the meeting area

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Akame : "(Y/N)?" she questioned surprising the girls as he suddenly flapped his wings and headed over to the meeting area

~Broken Down Church~

Shana : "Jeez, what's taking that jackass so long?" she asked annoyed that Hidan hasn't returned yet

Ichigo : "It shouldn't have taken him this long, if I had to guess, he's probably out killing a random person again" he said with a heavy sigh as the two continued waiting

On top of a large tower, Hidan watched as (Y/N) approached the meeting arena with his Juggernaut Drive activated.

Hidan : "Looks like we got a real dragon upon us, you were right Grandfather, the Evolution Dragon host'll kill those traitors" he said while talking on the phone

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now