Ch.2 Leave Me Alone

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3rd POV

It was now the next day, (Y/N) was walking to school when he saw Rias and her peerage waiting outside the school gates. He knew they wanted to talk to him so he simply walked into a dark alley and used warp to teleport behind the old school house. He arrived in class and sat down, the bell rang and the teacher was about to start the lesson until...

Issei : I'M HERE!" he shouted barging into the class room inhaling quickly

Teacher : Issei, your late that's 1 hour detention after school" she said making Issei lower his head

Issei : Yes mam" he responded walking to his desk seeing (Y/N) already there

Issei glared at (Y/N) as he was looking out the window with his hand under his chin without a care. Issei takes his seat and faces (Y/N)

Issei : Rias really wants you to come to the club room" he said, but (Y/N) ignored him

 Issei : Hey didn't you hear me I said-" Issei head was smashed on the desk when he grabbed (Y/N) shoulder to get his attention, the whole class stopped and looked at the two

Y/N : I don't give a flying fuck what Rias wants, no means no" he whispered releasing the pervert

Issei was slightly bleeding on the forehead, he left the classroom to the Nurse's office to clean his injury, but he saw Rias was there

Issei : Oh, Rias" he said

Rias : Hello Issei, what happened your bleeding" she said getting up and cleaning the blood off

Issei : Lonely Loser happened" he answered making Rias frown

Rias : I swear that boy, did you tell him to come to the clubroom?" she asked

Issei : I did, but he said he doesn't care" he responded as Rias smiled

Rias : I thought he wouldn't, and your injury could be the perfect excuse to bring (Y/N) to us" she said making Issei confused


The students were taking notes until the classroom door opened revealing the Student Council Treasurer 

Saji : I've come to take (Y/N) Tatsumi to the student council room" he said as (Y/N) put away his things and walked out with Saji

They walked down the halls as Saji spoke up...

Saji : Your in a lot of trouble you know" he said 

Y/N : I don't care" he responded

Saji : You can't just attack students-

Y/N : If anyone touches me without permission, I will break their arms, that pervert got off easy" he said

Saji : You should already be expelled, I don't know why this school even keeps you" he sighed

Y/N : Because unlike the rest of the male population here, I don't focus on ass and titties, I actually work and study, I am the smartest student here" he said making Saji turn his head

Saji : Yeah right, Sona Shitori is the smartest student, calling yourself the smartest is a joke" he mocked

Y/N : Everyone in the Sitri pillar is know to be smart, but I'm even smarter" he said

Saji : Yeah right-" he stopped when he realized what he just said

Saji : Wha-" he got cut off when (Y/N) pointed Incursio's Key to his back

Y/N : Keep walking pawn" he ordered as Saji gulped and nodded continuing to walk

Saji : So you know?" he asked

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now