Ch.23 My Life

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A/N : All right, some changes about your birth. Jin will still be your father, but the mother that gave birth to (Y/N) is a surrogate. Real mother will be revealed at the end of the chapter.

When (Y/N) and Basara began charging their techniques, Sora quickly surrounded them in a barrier knowing that they would destroy everything around them. Once they collided, it was too much for Sora and the barrier shattered as everyone was sent flying from the impact of the brother's attacks. After the explosion, only a crater was left in the middle of the sports field. Both brother's laid on their backs unconscious, damaged and bleeding from a missing arm were their attacks collided. During this time, (Y/N) and Basara were currently in a dreamscape, surrounded in nothing but fog.

3rd POV

Basara looked around the fog, trying to discover where he is, but its hopeless, seeing as it's in a dream. He looked around, until his eyes landed on (Y/N) staring at the endless fog, he walked to his brother who turned to him with a straight face.

Basara : Where are we?" he asked as (Y/N) turned back to the fog

(Y/N) : Were unconscious, this is where we go until we wake up" he responded

Basara : How long?" he questioned as (Y/N) shrugged

(Y/N) : Days, months maybe even years" he answered as Basara stepped closer to his brother

Basara : Tell me, why do you dislike me so much, all my life I wanted to meet you again, but here we are, in an endless fog after a fight that could have been avoided, please just answer my question" he begged as (Y/N) walked into fog and motioned for him to follow

Basara followed his brother, until they arrived at a straight road with even pavement and a steep cliff at the side, if someone had fallen inside, their would be no way for someone to return to the straight road without help. The steep cliff also had a road, but it was sharp and uneven, making it very painful to walk on.

(Y/N) : Do you know what this symbolizes?" he asked confusing Basara

Basara : No, I don't" he replied as barefoot shadow's the size of children began walking down the road

(Y/N) : It symbolized life, life is nothing but a straight road that leads to where ever you want, this is the road everyone wants to walk on, but not everyone gets the chance" he said as a child (Y/N) shadow is pushed off the straight road by the other children shadows and onto the rugged road

(Y/N) : Some are forced by others to walk down that road, a very painful and lonely road" he said as the child (Y/N) shadow tried climbing back up to the straight road, but failed and fell back down as the other laughed

Next was a shadow child of Basara, who was walking with a group of kids on the straight road, not likely to get pushed off, but of his own choice decides to walk on the painful road.

(Y/N) : I hate you, because you decided to walk down the road of pain by shutting everyone away after your father's departure, you pushed everyone out of your life because of your emotions, I was forced to walk down this road alone, while you still had people caring for you, and I hate it when you say you understand my pain when you don't understand what its like to feel truly alone" he said starting to get angry

(Y/N) : Just because you stopped seeing your father, you decided to close off your feelings from everyone? That's just bullshit, I always tried making friends, but nobody gave me the chance, do you even know what its like to be hated for no reason? No you don't." he said as Shadow (Y/N) started walking on the rugged road and was starting to bleed from the sharp edges of the road

(Y/N) : From the day I was able to walk, I have only traveled down this painful road, feeling pain because others don't like me" he said as Basara began walking down the road as well, but children were trying to help him up to the straight road, but he refused and continued walking

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now