Ch.20 I Refuse

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A/N : Finally back in business, Satanael is currently recovering from massive burns from exposure to holy water, he won't be pulling a stunt like that again, so enjoy the chapter.


After sharing a night with Kurome and Esdeath, the pain my arm gave off disappeared. I look to see it's 5:30 am, meaning school starts in two and a half hours. I get out of bed and get dressed in my track outfit and leave the house to start an early run. After about an hour of running, I stopped by a park and saw Rias sitting in a bench looking down. I approached her and when she saw me she looked away.

(Y/N) : Guess you know what I did?" I asked not really caring if she's mad

Rias : Yes, I did" she replied looking down at the ground

(Y/N) : Did they explain why?" I asked as she nodded her head

(Y/N) : Good, then you know it was self defense, this world is better off without that pervert" I said about to walk away, but Rias started crying

Rias : Please don't go" she said

(Y/N) : No" I refused as she cried some more making people nearby look at us

Man : Did he break up with that girl?"

Woman : She's beautiful, why would he do that?"

Teen Boy : I should knock his teeth out for making that girl cry"

I glared at the last comment, making him shake and run away, just then some other boys from another school approached Rias and me

Asshole : Hey buddy, leave right now before I kick your ass" he warned carrying a metal bat over his shoulder

Asshole #2 : You okay baby, it's alright let me help you" he said rubbing her leg making her uncomfortable

Asshole #3 : Don't worry, we'll take good care of you" he said smelling her hair

Rias wanted to fight back, but was to depressed to do it. Just then asshole 1 approached me

Asshole : Get the fuck outta here, a piece of shit like you don't deserve a fine piece of ass like her" he said trying to push me with his bat, but I grabbed it

Asshole : Hey let go" he demanded pulling harder, but I didn't let go

Asshole : TAKE THIS BITCH!" he shouted trying to punch me, but I duck under his fist and spin kick him in the jaw knocking some teeth out and sending him flying a few feet away

Asshole #2 : Holy shit, get him" he ordered as the two assholes try to team up on me, but I extend my leg and trip the first one making him fall down

The other tried to attack me from behind, but I tilt my head to the side and catch his arm, using his momentum I pulled his arm making him roll over my shoulder and slam him hard into the ground. He tries to stand up, but I punched him in the gut knocking him out. The one I tripped grabbed the bat and swung down on me, I caught the metal bat with my hand shocking the asshole.

Asshole #2 : Holy shit, your a monster" he said letting go of the metal bat and running away, I reeled my hand back and tossed the metal bat at him hitting him on the head knocking him unconscious

After that was done, I turned to Rias who gave me a smile

Rias : Thank you" she said

(Y/N) : Don't think about it, I don't like assholes like this, plus I need a witness" I said confusing the red haired girl

Just then I see a gang of twenty boys wearing the same uniform as the assholes I beat up, approach us

Bitch : We see your messing with our boys, now that ain't gonna slide, we gotta teach you a lesson or we can take that red bitch of yours" he said as I grab a nearby small rock and flick it to his forehead knocking him out

I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now