Ch.12 It Doesn't Matter

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3rd POV

(Y/N) just woke up from a night of fun with Leone and Akame. His face returned to normal, but his right eye was now red and it held the symbol Incursio's armor gives him when he activates his balance breaker. He looks at his clock and it's only 6:30 am.

(Y/N) : Screw it, I'm just gonna lie in bed today" he said cuddling his two lovers and falling back asleep

~Time Skip~

(Y/N) phone began ringing and he answered it

Rias : WHY AREN'T YOU AT SCHOOL TODAY!?!" she shouted as (Y/N) just hung up the phone

(Y/N) : It's too early to deal with her" he said slowly go back to bed until the phone rang again

Rias : BITCH DID YOU JUST HANG UP ON-" (Y/N) hung up again and threw the phone towards the wall smashing it

(Y/N) : Way too early" he said, but in truth it was already 1 pm

He fell back asleep, until he woke up hearing the doorbell ring at 6pm at night. He released himself from Leone and Akame grasp who groaned from his absence.

(Y/N) : Who can it be knocking at my door?" he asked sarcastically walking towards the window and looking out to see Rias and Sona along with their peerages

(Y/N) : Go away, don't come round here no more" he said as the devils looked up at him

Rias : You need to answer our questions" she said crossing her arms under her breasts

(Y/N) : Can't you see that it's late at night, I'm very tired, and I'm not feeling right" he said

Sona : Open the door" she demanded

(Y/N) : All I wish is to be alone" he responded as Koneko started kicking at the door

(Y/N) : Stay away, don't you invade my home" he said hitting Koneko with a lighting bolt and knocking her to the floor

(Y/N) : Best off if you hang outside, don't come in, I'll only run and hide" he said

Rias/Sona : COME DOWN HERE!" they demanded as (Y/N) stared at them from the window for a few seconds

(Y/N) : No" he answered giving them the finger and closing the window

Akame : You should talk to them at least, they won't go away until you do" she said stretching her arms out

(Y/N) : If I do, every time they want something from me they'll come to my door and bitch" he said as Leone woke up

Leone : Just ignore them and come back to bed" she suggested

(Y/N) : I would, but I gotta open up the shop" he said getting dressed and walking outside

Rias : Finally, now.......DON'T IGNORE ME" she shouted as (Y/N) walked past her

(Y/N) : Unlike you, I gotta go work and earn my money" he said walking away as they began following him

Sona : Were just gonna follow you to work, your gonna have to answer our questions sooner or later" she said as (Y/N) stopped walking and gave her a stern look

Sona : Were just gonna follow you to work, your gonna have to answer our questions sooner or later" she said as (Y/N) stopped walking and gave her a stern look

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I Fight For Myself (Depressed Male Incursio User x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now