swaggersouls - having a crush on you

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you're the one he's most nervous about seeing his face.

four hour long discord calls while he's editing because you provide him comfort, even though he doesn't admit it.

when you laugh so hard your stomach hurts, he's blushing and smiling like he's never heard anything so adorable. he doesn't speak for minutes afterwards 'cause he got so flustered just hearing you laugh.

he has a keen eye for interior design, and helps you pick out decor for your apartment. when you post on social media and he sees an object he told you to buy, a smile cracks his lips.

swagger rereads your conversations with him over and over again while on call with fitz, trying to figure out if you have feelings for him too.

when you're going to meet up with the boys, he comes to pick you up at the airport without his helmet on. he resembles a tomato by the time you're done hugging and complimenting him.

he sneaks glances at you the entirety of the trip, until cameron rolls his eyes and jokes at him to "man up".

you stole one of his hoodies out of his closet once since you had nothing to wear. swagger stumbles over his words when he sees you in that white-and-blue sweatshirt, and you can't help but laugh at his expression.

he thought you had a hickey on your shoulder once and his heart almost stopped until you complained about running into the wall.

your bedhead makes him smile.

you tag him in fanart of you two and send him edits because you know it makes him flustered.

literally everyone in the fanbase shipping you two.

you're the only one that he lets steal his food, even if he's starving.

he listens to all your favorite songs and finds he can easily imagine you dancing to them.

him thinking about how he wants to ask you out when you're sitting on the couch next to him, leaning against him because cameron takes up too much space.

you comment shit in his twitch chat and donate two-to-three bits every time.

texting each other and he realizes he's stayed up the entire night, as the sun is rising and he forgot to close his curtains.

he has your timezone memorized.

your ringer on his phone is set to the loudest possible.

you tell him about your family and you two have a deep conversation while sitting on your bed, staring out the window. he's looking at your face and he realizes he'd do anything to make you happy.

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