swagger - remembrance

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when she saw him, arm slung over the blonde's shoulder, she knew. it was in the way she quickly turned her head, and how her eyes sank.

it was the way she tilted her head down and inhaled the shakiest breath she'd ever taken, hands balled up in fists while her fingers left imprints in her skin that wouldn't go away for weeks. it's the fact that he still noticed how she would avoid eye contact whenever he was around her.

it was the painfully obvious tension between the two of them when their friends tried to hold gatherings with both of them there, the small talk and pauses where there used to be nudges and giggles.

it was how unique his voice was, how identifiable his laugh was whenever it rang through the halls, that made her chest tighten and her feet stumble, brushing into freshmen while her heart clawed its way up her throat.

it was the days where she could tell he wasn't sober, how he shouted her name in the hallways and broke off midway with a forlorn smile and eyes that she didn't have to see to know that they were red.

it was the instagrammed clips of their jokes on csgo that made the corners of her mouth lift up in a sad smile. it was the worry that gnawed at her that he would overdose on a mix of drugs now that he had no one to ground him, because even cameron could barely control him when he was set on seeing her.

it was how her heart ached whenever she thought of him, how she wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

it was the way he swallowed whenever he saw her, using all of his self control to tear his eyes away because otherwise his mind would swarm with regrets and the strings stitching his chest together would inevitably loosen, leaving him to pick up the pieces again.

im angsty and unsure of whether or not to put this in headcanons or imagines

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