mccreamy - car rides

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an imagine i guess?? but shortened into a bunch of headcanons

leaning against his shoulder because you're tired and not thinking straight. his breath hitches in his throat and he forgets to breathe.

he chortles at a passing sign that shouldn't be amusing but it's four am and everyone's fucked up anyway. you can feel the vibrations in his chest.

sharing earbuds.

reading out billboards to you because your eyes are barely open and he thinks you'd like that one.

mason wakes from his nap and jokingly asks if you want to lay on his lap. you decline, feeling jay tense up beside you.

glancing up at a red light to see what the brunet is laughing about and you two end up wheezing in the backseat.

toby catches a video of you two practically dying and posts it on twitter because this is way too cute -with jay's face covered, of course.

feeding him chips. you brought a bag of goldfish and he's preoccupied on his phone so you hold one in front of his face and he takes it. the cycle continues.

singing the lyrics to a song playing on the radio while cameron's yelling at you to shut the fuck up.


writer's block is a pain in the ass sorry

but also i love jay so much my heart is gonna explode

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