zuckles - having a crush on you

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all those twitter and snapchat updates are about you.

him willing to do almost anything for you -you joke that you'll kiss his cheek if he buys you a necklace you pointed out in pandora, and before you can tell him you're kidding he's already bought it. you don't break promises so you plant your lips to his jaw and he's blushing by the end of it.

mason pulling you away from anyone that that tries to hit on you. even when you're well away from them his hand is still laced around yours.

he loves hearing you speak, your voice is a pleasant change from the boys' lower octaves. he's fallen asleep on call before just listening to you talk or laugh.

he's trying to convince you to wear his hoodies because you're adorable in any oversized ones and he wants to see you in his.

you mention an artist you really like to him. within the next few days you watch his most recent video and hear one of their songs playing in the outro.

mason posting the most fuckboy pictures on his instagram and snapchat to show off and flex, because you watch his stories and usually reply to any pictures uploaded with the snarkiest comments.

he has your post notifications on for all sites. if his friends see that message pop up he just shrugs and says his phone turns them on but he's too lazy to change them.

he hosts your twitch streams whenever he can.

the fans notice how he smiles whenever you laugh at him.

staying up and fucking up his sleep schedule even more just to talk to you.

moving out of the country, back to where you're originally from and he has the most crestfallen face at the airport, hugging you for so long the smell of him is imprinted on you.

him pleading you to come to australia to visit, and you do for cons. the boys tease him relentlessly and you're not helping his situation either.

he does his best not to seem like a dumbass around you, but jay shows you videos of him acting stupid and you're laughing until you can't breathe. mason's jealous until he finds out you found him amusing.

whenever he is drunk he avoids you by tossing his phone to the side and locking himself in his room, not wanting to send you any texts. this ends up with the boys anxious as well, but he resists the urge to pick up the vibrating cell.

he adores the way you say his nickname, the 'mace' coming into play whenever you laugh or are irritated with him. either way, he finds it attractive, especially with your accent.

you both say 'monkaS' and 'pog' around each other for shits and giggles, and he's in hysterics each time you use the slang.

i keep updatig this bc i didn't edit it LMAO OOPS

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