swagger - 2:03 am

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kinda a roommate au

since i dont have any other name to go off of im using eric


you stumbled out of your room, fumbling for the hallway light. eric always slept with his door closed, so you didn't think it would be a problem.

"fuck-" you shouted, startling as you flicked the switch. "jesus, dude. you scared me."

he rubbed his eyes, leading you into the kitchen. "sorry, (name)."

you'd been roommates for about three months now, after realizing you had nowhere to stay during your internship. a friend had called up another friend, and so now, here you were.

"(name)." eric repeated, and you realize that he'd been asking a question.

you shook your thoughts out, "sorry, i kinda zoned out. what were you asking?"

the two of you hadn't talked much this week. the topic of moving out had been at the tip of your tongue. eric was making it difficult for you to approach him when your intentions where to discuss leaving.

"do you want tea?" he held up two identical tea-bags, the label identifiable as earl gray.

you nodded, biting the inside of your cheek as you glanced around the small complex. if you did move out, you would definitely be worried about him.

as you both stirred the grey tea with straws, you looked up at him. "do you want to head back to my room? we can just talk, y'know... i don't think i can sleep anyways." you chuckled nervously, poised to stand.

he shrugged, "yea. sure."


setting the hot drink on your nightstand, you sat on your mattress, clearing a pile of blankets so he had somewhere to sit.

your windows were open, the air clear after a recent thunderstorm. one question was clear in your mind, and you quickly said, "have you been avoiding me this week?"

he drummed his fingers against the side of the mug, eyes darting across your room, casting anywhere but you. he hadn't been in here for a while, and the change of scenery was not comforting. but your walls were not stripped bare, and his heart skipped a beat in hopeless optimism.


"i.. i might've been." the brunet mumbled, only able fo feign confusion for so long. sipping at the still-burning liquid, he risked glancing up at you, only to see your eyebrows raised in skepticism.

you threw your hands up, exasperated. bullshit. "is this about me moving out? if you want me gone sooner just say so-"

"i dont want you to leave." eric cut in, closing his eyes as he said it. regret outlined every single fracture on his face. "it -it gets lonely, and i'd miss you a fuckton, okay?"

grinning sheepishly, you leaned in. the light from your phone illuminating your shadows. you manage a light giggle at his flustered expression. "so... are you saying that you'd miss me?"

"okay, now you can shut the fuck up." he snapped, a smile twisting at the corner of his mouth.

feigning a shocked face, you collapse onto your pillows, nearly causing him to spill the drink. "the infamous swaggersouls embarrassed?"

"if you don't stop, i swear to god (name)."

you arched an eyebrow, eyes adjusting to the darkness as you stared distractedly outside. your eyes subconsciously darted to his lips as he drank more of the tea. "make me, eric."

he opened his mouth, about to object before he decided against it. you smirked, satisfied that he couldn't respond with a better comeback, until he closed the distance between you two with a kiss.


i hate this im sorry yall deserve better

also tysm for 3k reads on this & 15k on the kryoz fic. much love 💞💓💓💓

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