inotorious - having a crush on you

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i finally got to doing this boyyo

also i wrote this at 1 am sorry

jan 19, 2019

throwing tiny balls of wadded up paper at you in class during a lecture, to the point where you both have to stay after the period ends to clean up the mess around your desks.

tilting your head to look at his ears whenever he stammers or just smiles out of nowhere, looking for a blush.

a hand wavering over your shoulder while you're slumped on a couch, about to lay it on you before he jerks it away, immediately balling his fist up and settling his jaw.

he now understands the pain behind falling for your best friend.

a twitter post about crushing on someone you're best friends with. he deletes it nearly immediately, realizing how specific it sounded. yet, some still got screenshots.

snarky comments under his instagram posts about him barely uploading.

legs brushing against each other under tables, unbothered to the point where you've stolen his slides and matt didn't notice until he nearly ripped them open.

claiming his greetings.

ruffling his hair whenever you pass each other—he tends to mess yours up less.

age-old traditions and inside jokes that range from playing rock, paper, scissors to decide who's ordering this time at cheesecake factory, to giving each other half a candy cane each and every christmas eve.

you mentioned how much you liked his new cologne once in junior year, and he still uses the same one.

being one of the first few people that swipe up on your private-story vents to ask what's wrong, or if you want to talk.

matt allowing you to brush a manner of makeup onto his face, partly because he wants an excuse to stare at you.

weekly fortnite sessions, even though the game is dying.

how hard it feels to swallow when one of your other male friends sling an arm over you.

a dejected smile when your face lights up at seeing that an old friend snapped you, and nothing he has done that day had made you look that happy.

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