fitz - midnight grocery runs

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"fuck me up the ass." you glanced at fitz, searching the car in a frenzy.

he furrowed his brows, "what?"

sighing, you sat up after a lengthy exploration into the crumpled up papers sitting around your seat. "i left the shopping list at home." you finger gunned him, waiting for him to sigh.

"that was the one thing we needed, (name)." he shook his head at you.

you shrug, stepping out of his car as you head towards the supermarket. it still had a few lost souls lingering, and a cluster of dead-tired teenagers clustered near a curb. "we'll be fine."


you were not fine. you two had only managed to make it through half of an aisle, bickering about which flavor of dip you should buy. perched on the inside of the cart, you looked to the snacks section. "oh, shit. aisle three, cam. we're out of goldfish."

"fuck, you right."

time was nonexistent in groceries. neither of you were tired, most likely due to the harsh lights that dotted the off-white ceilings. you hadn't chosen much, except for a few boxes of cinnamon toast crunch and a carton of milk.

"ice cream?" he couldn't help but grin when you peeked up at him from your seat in the shopping cart.


"oh goddammit." you mumbled, checking the time on your phone as a notification popped up. "we've been here for an hour."

"okay. give me a minute."

cameron came back a few moments later, an empty cart in his hand. you drew yourself out, nodding in silent understanding. "where'd you find this?"

"no one needs to know." he laughed, a finger on his lips as he smiled. "besides, it was empty."

shaking your head, you scanned the now empty market. "i'll take aisles one to eight. you get ten to fifteen." blowing him a kiss, you began to steer left, "i'll meet you at aisle nine."

"see you on the other side, (name)." cameron grinned, nearly smacking into a shelf when he wasn't paying attention.

sorry i've been having serious writers block

this is so bad but i have nothing else im sorry

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