mccreamy - lemonade

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i think i was inspired by a soulmate au but not sure


it was a hot day in melbourne.

you were visiting a friend, one you had maintained connections with throughout college. for your break, you two had discussed plans and so, here you were.

australia. you weren't out clubbing like you were expecting, instead revisiting childhood memories in the middle of the day with a lemonade stand.

"this is so dumb." you wiped your forehead with the back of your arm, sharing foolish grins as you two collapsed into folding chairs.

she laughed, "we've made thirty bucks."

someone came into your peripheral vision, and you turned, locking eyes with a brunet with the most intoxicating eyes you'd ever seen.

"excuse me, but are you still selling lemonade?" the masked man asked, and you could see a group of men trailing behind him.

you still weren't used to the rich accents, and his especially made your heart flutter. "mhm." you brushed a lock of hair behind your ear, "seventy-five cents."

jay on the other hand, was surprised at your american accent and nearly froze when he heard your voice.

"alright, i'll take... i'll take one." he mumbled, eyes crinkled. you nodded quickly, turning away to regain your composure. you could only hope he didn't catch the pink flush in your ears.

"whatcha got here, cunt?" another brunet strolled up, leaning on his friend's shoulder as his eyes flicked up and down the sign. "lemonade?"

you and your friend both glanced at each other, resisting the urge to laugh at how he was barely comprehensible.

"mace, it's a good idea." jay shrugged, holding out three quarters. his gaze still hadn't left you, and he tore his eyes away when mason cleared his throat.

the man he called mace rolled his eyes, but still dug into his pockets for change. you bit your lip, handing filled cups to the both of them.

it was near impossible to ignore the way your chest tightened when you brushed fingers with jay.

the cluster of men that had been so far away had caught up, and you were nearly overwhelmed by the amount of people at the tiny stand.

"who's this?" one asked, easily the tallest out of the group. he towered over them, but he was probably the least intimidating one.

you smiled, "i'm (name), and this is my friend. (friend's name)."

"we're running a lemonade stand." she finished, and you two exchanged looks once again.

he nodded, "i'll take 6." he turned to his friends and gestured for them to give him money, "pay up, kids."

you couldn't help but smile, and glanced over at jay to see him looking back at you. the nerves in your stomach rose to a new height.


sorry about the ending i might make a part 2 but i ran out of inspiration

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