mccreamy - flirt

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"hey girl, can i get your number?" jay asked, pairing the statement with an overzealous wink. his voice was a little muffled by the mask, but there was no mistaking his unique accent. his hands slid around your waist as he drew you closer to him, a smirk hidden by the piece of fabric around his face.

you glare at him, resisting the urge to kiss him as he stared at you with a pout in his eyes. "fuck off, creamy."

mason groaned, shaking his head in exasperation, "if you two pull any ah' this shit again i'm going to fucking shoot myself."

it had been less than a week since you came to melbourne with your own friends (and jay), but the brunet was already fed up.

mccreamy giggled at his frustration, but he stepped to the side, a hand still brushing against your hip.

after a few minutes of walking, he looked up from his phone, "hey, (name)-"

"jay, shut the fuck up. i'm going back to the hotel another way. cunt." he rolled his eyes, toying with his phone. he waved a goodbye, pretending to gag.

you smile, laughing at the fed-up expression on the aussie's face. "see ya, mason."

when he was safely tucked into a cab, you two continued, now locking elbows.

he'd taken off his mask, as you were nearing the hotel's entrance. it was humid outside, and you both decided it was worth the risk.

"anyway, (name). you're-"

you cut him off again, snatching the collar of his grey shirt as you bring him down to your height. he's grinning at you before you murmur a "shut up, creamy." and press your lips to his.

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