zuckles - high school sweethearts

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headcanons about what having a crush on/dating mason in high school would be like :)

this is using current events/topics so lets pretend hes still in school

jokingly tries to trip you in the hallways, but you actually fall one time and he's apologizing profusely, on his knees helping you to gather your stuff. he looks so upset about it that you can't be mad at him.

you sit alone at a table in study hall, wanting silence so you can focus on the chemistry exam that's half of your grade next week. mason slides up across from you and says his friends will pay him $50 if he gets an A on that test and he needs you to tutor him.

your homecoming date abandons you before it even starts and you show up alone, holding back tears because you didn't expect to get stood up. mason literally runs to you, nearly ripping his dress pants in half after stumbling.

physical contact whenever you can.

if you play a sport, he's cheering for you no matter what.

heading to the local cafe after school with a group of friends. they complain about how 'gross and cliche' you two are.

sticking his hand into your back pocket after watching to all the boys i loved before for the millionth time, noticing how you always soften during that scene.

getting drunk together, or just sitting on his rooftop smoking weed when his parents are out.

freshmen see you two casually joking around and brushing shoulders in the hallways. they mumble to each other about how 'cute those upperclassmen are'.

wearing his hoodies.

walking to school together.

helping him do his homework at lunch or in free periods.

getting scolded for pda so many times that the teachers have stopped giving fucks.

sleeping over at his place when his parents are out of town and everyone thinks you spent the entire night fucking but in reality, you stayed up until three am playing sorry -you guys did have sex but that's not the point.

hitting on you and commenting absolute bullshit on your instagram posts.

casually making out on the bleachers.

being genuinely worried about his future because he waves it off so much.

introducing him to national geographic documentaries. he's instantly obsessed and you two watch planet earth in your free time.

facetiming whenever you can.

you catch him staring at you a lot. it makes you blush and he grins sheepishly, embarrassed but satisfied with the fact that he made you flustered.

simple movie theater dates, or ones where you come over and watch him play video games. sometimes you're involved too, but you usually watch and nap.

midnight talks about the future and your plans for college. him constantly worrying about what would happen if you moved away, even though you have a good while before you even start filling out college application forms.

tying to communicate to each other about problems or quirks, even though you both have tempers.

giving him facemasks to try and help his acne. he comes over weekly just to have a spa night, and you take him to target to look at the selection of skincare products fo try and help his breakouts.

his brother sends you pictures of mason being absolutely autistic.you two get along well because you both want mason to be happy.


just realized i've had this in my drafts for a while & decided to add onto it a little bit. updates will be painfully slow bc school is starting!! yay !! shoot me !!

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