raccooneggs - not sober

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got this idea from a book i read a while back & its basically for a request

not edited at all so be prepared for typos

you were drunk, completely and utterly smacked. brushing a loose strand of hair away from your face, you stood on wobbly legs, steadying yourself with a hand on the kitchen island.

"woah— you got it?" a mostly-sober friend of yours asked, immediately rising to support you. a thumbs up was the response they received, followed by finger guns and a wink.

"roger that." you knocked over a few empty solo cups, careful to avoid the bottle of vodka precariously balanced on the edge of the counter.

a laugh that subconsciously made you grin sounded from behind you, and with a squint, you tilted your head at a brunette with brown, curly hair. "what's so funny?" eyebrows furrowed, you placed a finger on his nose. "you look really familiar," you blurted out. "do i know you?"

"i don't know, do you?" ezra shrugged, placing a hand around your waist.

"hey!" you smacked his wrist, glaring up at him. he was cute, but you were not single. "i have a boyfriend."

he was amused and smiling at your outburst, close to laughter as he caught sight of your pout before he shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck. "(name), we've been dating for six months."

at a second thought, you looked at him again. under closer scrutiny, you thought you recalled making out with a curly-haired boy the other day.

"ezra?" you cocked your head, the realization throwing you off-balance with a beam as you launched into him, arms hanging around his neck. "so that's where you went."

your other friends stood quiet at your sudden mood change, hiding giggles at your inebriated state.

the youtuber couldn't help but grin at you, hands resuming their rightful place on your waist, "come on, pretty girl. you're goin' home."

"i like your jewfro." you mumbled against his shoulder, yawning.

"i'm not j— nevermind."

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