smii7y - having a crush on you

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smitty listening to you laugh at one of the dumbest jokes he's made in a while and its only funny because its so bad. he's just there, admiring the way it sounds and he can imagine the way your eyes crinkle up and how you're always smiling and hiccuping afterwards. hes thinking about all this and then he realizes he's got it bad for you.

john jokingly asks you two if you're dating when he calls and you're at his apartment, and jaren turns so red and warns the blond with a "JOHNNNN...".

while out with him and some of your friends you're so exhausted from stress and lack of sleep that you end up passed out the entire ride back, head falling onto his shoulder after a particularly bumpy section in the road.

you're working on a project for college that's 45% of your grade and due in two days. your computer seemingly erased all of your work and you're panicking. you call him with fingers shaking, voice cracking as you beg him to come over. he feels his heart nearly break when you sniffle and murmur a "smitt, please hurry."

him wheezing at how bad you are with any video game you play.

he flicks your forehead a lot, but never hard enough to leave a mark.

stealing his clothes just to make him blush.

he tries to help you with your schoolwork.

you fall asleep at his place after he invites you over, saying you left your headphones. you wake up with a blanket tossed on you, jaren on the opposite couch scrolling through instagram.

you call him "milkbag" whenever you're absolutely wasted and he's openly admitted to wanting to kiss you, but you can never remember.

sending each other memes.

he likes all the fanart posted of you two, even making his twitter banner an adorable drawing someone made.

your friends constantly tell you to date already because they're tired of you two flirting.

i'll come back and edit this later

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