zuckles - apartments

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it's two in the morning and the australian desperately needs sleep, tired after what seemed like the longest day in his life. but he can't, due to his headache and the bass beats flowing from the apartment under him. he groans after it continues, pulling on a pair of pants as he hops through the door, rushing down the stairs to give you a piece of his mind.

he hears the music loud and clear, wondering how your neighbors cope -it turns out there are none on your floor. feigning politeness, he knocks gently.

mason ends up abusing the doorbell, until the door creaks open. your annoyed look quickly changes into recognition.

he's expecting a balding man in his fifties, and shock spreads across his face.

he's seen you around, and has even been the recipient of your friendly waves. he's never caught you without earbuds or headphones on you, and now is no different.

you remove your headphones, letting them hang around your neck as you look up at him.

"yes?" you're trying to hide the mess of an apartment behind you, barely allowing the six-footer to peek in. he's shirtless, which is rather distracting, and his pants are hanging low on his hips.

your accent isn't australian, he can tell. it flows smoothly and doesn't have any harsh tones to it. you're in the baggiest shirt he has ever seen in his life, and for once in his life he's not sure what to say, the rant formulated in his mind gone.

there's a pause as he's at a loss for words. "i just... i wanted to ask if you um... if you could turn your music down? please?"

"oh." your eyes soften, and you take in his tired state. you smooth your hair away from your face, the dark gloom in the hallways cloaking the red flush on your cheeks, and you try not to stumble over your sentences. "yeah, yeah. sorry about... sorry about that."

a nervous laugh sorts through the silence, and he smiles softly.

you start to close the door, re-positioning your headphones until mason stops you, scratching the back of his neck. "uh... by the way, i'm mason."

"i'm (name)."

he heads back upstairs, relief coursing through his veins. you were a little too adorable, and his mind's already running through scenarios. he has a small smile on his face.


the rest of the gbg crush hcs will be up SOOONNN

sorry i've been in a mason mood lately xx

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