aesthetics - pt 1

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all the boys. didnt have enough inspo for matt but if i do i'll add him


cameron. midnight talks about your life and the universe. picking you up at seven pm to go eat dinner at ihop. helping you choose how you should get your nails done. eating cereal and watching cartoons. resting his head in your hair. his hands grazing your waist. steadying you when you almost fall. glaring at him when he makes short jokes. downing shots of vodka at the bar. nearly burning the house down after you try and make dinner. white outfits. buying him watches. laughing when you try on his jackets or sweatshirts. dragging him to parties. beating him in just dance 3. listening to the rain beat down the windows as you wake up. social media appreciation posts. putting him at the top of your description box

mason. 3 am trips to the grocery store because you're out of tequila. the rush of adrenaline when you pull him closer by his collar and you can feel his breathing quicken. ditching clubbing for window shopping as you admire the lights at night, despite the crowded sidewalks and loud cars. jokingly whistling at you when you wear something hot. stupid snapchats that are both make you cringe and laugh. sharing self-care routines. not knowing where life is going to take you. giving no fucks. matching vans. hoodies. cuddles on the bed while smoking blunts and staying up until the sun rises. exploring the mall. going to the gym together.

toby. summer days with the fan blowing on the highest setting because the AC broke. facetiming for more than 6 hours at a time. wearing his glasses. borrowing vapes. drunk makeouts in the back of the uber. slurred nicknames shouted to each other. dancing in the rain. golden hour. matching ankle tats. fingers brushing together. interrupting his streams. leaving the mall with bags full of brands. the way his breath hitches whenever he gets a kiss on the cheek. candids. sharing earbuds. coffee runs. smiling so hard your cheeks hurt. two-player board games that always end badly. walking to dunkin donuts.

swagger. eyes captivated as you paint your face. drinking ice cold glasses of water at 2 am. four hours of sleep. weed hidden in different counters. messy yet organized. falling asleep on him. gripping your hand during a scary movie. trusting him with your life. pinky promises. walks that lead into midnight. sharing clothes. online shopping. decorating your apartment. breakfast at mcdonald's except its noon. the salty wind on your skin when you race down a beach together, the waves jabbing at your toes. not saying 'iloveyou' often because you both know you do. drinking eight cans of redbull in one sitting. throwing grass at each other.

smitty. unexpectedly seeing each other at the florist, both planning to buy each other flowers. tickle fights. cuddling with octavia. randomly bursting into laughter. watching over his shoulder as he plays a game and giggling when he dies. rosy cheeks from blushing so much. stealing his jackets. trying gross combinations of food and immediately regretting it after because pickles and peanut butter are not the move. bickering about the correct pronunciation of corn. flour streaked on faces like warpaint after baking.

jay. biking together on afternoons to the nearest ice cream parler. hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream. burning your tongues. hearing jay sing in the shower. rainy days spent tangled together in bed. diving into the waves. salt and sand in hair. pumpkin picking. hickeys scattered across your collarbone. eyes so soulful they parallel the universe. brushing shoulders when walking together. laying on the roof, watching the stars roll under the night's impressive reign. open windows. forehead kisses. nose flicks. making smoothies at 12 am.

john. playing with his hair. talking all day. stalking your instagram page. sitting in a field and spending an entire afternoon making each other flower crowns. listening to the clap of thunder when it rains. admiring the sunset. cheeky grins at cheeky jokes. oversized hoodies and no shorts underneath. never understanding the concept of getting lost in someones eyes until you caught yourself staring into his for minutes on end. reunions at the airport. vaping at golden hour because the sun's rays contrast the white smoke elegantly. the way he melts when you kiss the corner of his mouth.

ezra. walking barefoot on asphalt. sitting in the middle of the road. seeing a dog on the sidewalk and asking to pet it. mischievous grins before you push each other off of the couch. his secret addiction to frozen lemonade. the morning dew when you walk through the grass at six am. catching fireflies together. giggling when he smears icing on your nose. smoking weed as you sit in the backyard. bonfires. roasting marshmallows but he burns them and they pop in the fire. the feeling of reckless euphoria when it's three am and you two are still wandering in an unknown city, phones dead. lying splayed on the bed as you revise your notes.

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