zuckles - wisdom teeth

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kwyloz i hope this doesn't disappoint 💞

& sorry abt the lack of updates school got me dead this took me 2 weeks to write n its unedited as fuck SKHSSJ


he stared at you with glassy eyes, a piece of blood-soaked gauze in his mouth.

the dentist had said that he needed to check on him before you could leave, so now you were waiting.

"you're hot." he blurted out, muffled by the fabric in his mouth. his accent was now incomprehensible and it took an extra second to realize what he said.

you arched an eyebrow, glad that he had suggested for you to bring a gopro and record this. "thank you, mace."

"you wanna fuck?" it was ironic how close that had been to his actual pickup line when you had first met him, also hyped up on drugs. mason's signature cheeky expression had found itself on his face, but the dentist walked in before you could edge in a response, and performed a quick check.

you were surprised at how quiet mason was, his eyes closed while drool nearly leaked out of his mouth. it was disgustingly adorable.

the blond looked up at you, explaining the side effects of the anesthetic as mason began to flail in the background, his autistic persona falling into place.

"okay, thank you!" you managed to say when mason stood and you rushed over to support him.

he glared at you, hands resting on the seat of the chair, "hey, fuck off. i got this."

the brunet collapsed to the tiles like a fish out of water.

you sighed, helping him to his feet. he nearly denied, until you leaned over and whispered, "i'll give you a chocolate if you let me help you, shitface."

mason immediately softened, and slung an arm over your shoulders as you two headed out of the clinic.

it was an odd sight, a 6'1 man-child using someone much shorter then him for support.

"did i tell you that you're hot?" he asked, buckling the seat belt.

you looked at him, "mason. i have fo tell you something."


"we're dating."

"what the fuck?" the aussie mumbled, his eyes wide.

you pressed a kiss to his cheek, and he melted like butter, quiet for the remainder of the car ride home.

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