inotorious - soulmate au

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this is actually ass

they say there was a flower that bloomed when you found them, and died when you lost them.

everyone had a packet of seeds. you could plant the flower, but some were skeptical of it, calling it a scam.

however, you'd seen the blossoms of your friends' shrivel during painful heartbreak, and spring back to life—although a bit more ragged—upon the discovery of someone new who'd caught their interest.

but for you? the heart lily had never gotten past the budding stage. (friend's name) had shrugged, asking the bold question of whether or not you had ever blurted out those three words.

the answer was obvious, although you couldn't bring yourself to say it.

the doorbell of your apartment rang, and you leaped to your feet, still clutching the terra-cotta pot that had absorbed your thoughts. bouncing on the heels of your feet through the cold tiles, you managed to make it to the door.

"hi, uhh.. i'm matt." a grin split his face, nearly blinding you so early in the morning.

you half-yawned, half-nodded a response. "hi, i'm (name)."

"so..." seeing him glance at the pot in your hands, you set it on the island behind you, you tilted your head. "how can i help you?"

he furrowed his eyebrows, before his memory sprung back to him. "oh! sorry, i forgot, but, i can't get back into my apartment, and the neighbors told me to come to room 522, so here i am."

you glimpsed at his shoes—orange crocs. "uhuh..." quickly inviting him in while beckoning him to follow you. with a sigh, you began to dig through a drawer. being best friends with the landlord had its ups and downs, and you thanked bethany that the majority of residents in this complex weren't eyesores.

"what room are you?" you looked up to see him gazing at the bud in the pot.

"hmm? oh—461." he flashed a smile as you continued to search through your cabinets.

you held up a keyring, and another, and another. biting your lip, you cringed and glanced at him, an apology written on your face.

"can't find the key?"

"no. i'll call bethany and see what she can do." you looked around, gaze settling on the heart lily—had that second leaf been there this morning? and did it grow?

matt nodded, following your trail of sight. "i got one of those flowers too. it's dead though, so i feel like this entire thing is just fake." he laughed a little, and you smiled in return.

"have you been watering it?"

"maybe i should try that." he scratched the back of his neck.

you had been texting the landlord, and a wince cut through your expression as she texted back a quick response.

"hmm..?" matt bit his lip— a nervous habit.

casting a sympathetic smile, you showed him the text. she was out of town for the weekend, and wouldn't be able to do anything until monday.

"damnit!" he ran his hands through his hair, pursing his lips.

"if you want... you could stay with me." you offered nervously, immediately regretting it as he looked at you somewhat skeptically.

matt nodded slowly, eyebrows raised, "are you sure you would be okay with that?"

"yea! of course." you shrugged. fuck! (name), what are you thinking? you just met this man. he could be a fucking rapist! fucking fuck!

his eyebrow didn't go back down. "well... you look kinda uncomfortable." he warily sat on the arm of your sofa, "you really don't have to. after all, i literally just met you."

you shook your head, although you weren't sure what has gotten into your mind. "it's entirely fine. hotels around here can be pricey, and the cheap ones always have roaches or rats."

he scrunched his nose at that image, nodding. anyone would be convinced with that argument. "that's pretty fair—but i promise i'm not a rapist or a sex offender." matt gave a sheepish smile. red dotting his cheeks.

"i have an extra bed. you don't have to take the couch." you beamed in response, seeing him glance around your living space. "follow me." you ignored the flower in its clay pot, convinced that the two pastel petals that had sprung were 100% a hallucination.

if matt could go back to his apartment, he would see that his shriveled old sprout had turned into a blossom.

this is a terrible one shot to publish aftee 3 months of not updating. forgive me 😔

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