zuckles - focused

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for the person that requested a mason x college!reader 💓

it's kinda skewed from what u wanted sorry :(

also vv rushed

& im gonna be doing another social media fic when i have time to plan it out :)

"hey. hey (name)." he whispered, prodding you in the arm with an unsharpened pencil.

you continued flipping through the pages of the history textbook in front of you, jotting down notes for an outline due tomorrow without even a glance at him. 

mason inhaled sharply, continuing to whine until you stopped and glared, "go stream or something. your computer's right there." you gestured to his pc setup, sitting directly across from the bed you two reclined on. ruffling his hair, you pressed your lips to the side of his temple before picking up your pen once more. 

"you never come over anymore, though." he mumbled, looking like a puppy that someone'd left at the shelter.

you didn't respond, instead biting your lip as it was true. school had taken up most of your social schedule and it was rare to be able to actually see him more than once every few weeks.

after another one of his prods, you sighed jokingly, grinning at him. "i'll play a game with you after i finish this outline, babe."

mason's entire face lit up, and he looked at you, eyes wide as he grinned, "can we play that fucking water-boy and lava-girl game?"

"anything for you."

short & unedited sorry

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