raccooneggs - having a crush on you

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lo and behold, here you go racc stans


blushing when you compliment his jewfro.

getting high and him almost admitting his feelings.

fans wondering who the 'mystery girl' on his snapchat is, but you both sadly reassure them that you're just friends.

sneaking glances at you in class.

bringing a redbull for ezra because he's always tired but you regret it immediately after, as he downs it like it's a shot of tequila.

the boys force him to tell them about you.

finding his youtube channel and hearing snippets of him talking about a girl and you deflate.

ezra laughing so hard he doesn't sound like himself.

calling each other nicknames. his affectionate way of welcoming you online is 'faggot'.

asking you for help in the one class he's doing well in, but instead of focusing on the lesson you're trying to get across, he's thinking about how the afternoon sunlight reflects across your hair and the way your eyes light up before you smile.

everyone asking if you two are dating but you have fo hastily deny it.

watching his streams and surprising him with a whole ten bits.

you finger-brushed his hair once and he thinks he came right then and there.

him sending videos of himself talking right when he wakes up because the fucker knows it makes you blush -once, his voice went so low you couldn't speak for a good five minutes.

refusing to let you talk to swagger alone because you mentioned how smooth it was and ezra got a bit jealous.

he listens to your playlists.

he asks you out when he reaches one million.


a/n. mm sorry for not uploadig much pls bear w me. its gonna get even worse when school starts LMAO

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