kryoz - twitch

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we've been experiencing a lack of john recently so here :)

also to that one dude who requested swagger smut i kinda suck at smut so uh yEa thats kinda not happening for a while am sorry

& i've been hit w school + writing block :(( hopefully this'll make up for it


his coughs were one thing, but his sneezes always managed to scare the shit out of you, even when he warned you ahead of time.

you had told him to take a nap, that he deserved to take a day off.

however, john was stubborn; refusing until you threatened to post a video of him laughing so hard that snot flung out of his nose, onto twitter.

he was passed out on the couch when you called smii7y on discord, anticipating if any of the other boys would join.

"hey milkman. cryboygaywhore is sick." you said, gently shutting the door behind you as you sat on his bed, john dead asleep in the living room.

"aw. hope he feels better."

"however—" you grinned, opening the application on his pc and joining the voice chat on there, "i'm going to stream for him."

"i'll see if any of the other boys are on." the canadian said. you could practically hear his smile.


you titled the stream 'not kryoz streaming on kryoz' twitch'.

having never streamed before, you were guided by fitz and the boys as they taught you the keys, hosting you to boost the amount of bits and viewers— the platinum blond had gotten demonetized yesterday and it downed him every time he skimmed past his channel analytics.

there were many questions about john. a few were asking about who you were, but most knew that you two were an item.

"where is kryoz? asleep on the couch. he's sick." you pouted, pausing as you scrolled through another column of comments. "he was gonna stream today but his voice is kinda fucked. so i'm like, making up for it."

eventually, after you'd figured out his computer, the boys—mason, cameron and jaren (so far)— invited you to a good ol' game of fortnite.

halfway through your third round, john wordlessly waddled into his room, flopping onto his bed with a blanket wrapped around him.

"dude at 275." the blond mumbled, a tissue jammed into his nostril. you risked a look behind you and couldn't help but burst into laughter, missing your shot when he smiled back, face flushed.

"how come he can see it from his fucking bed but none of us can't—oI CUNT!" mason whined, before cameron impulsed him off of the fort he'd built.

smii7y's signature wheeze came into play when he edited the ramp so you fell down, losing half your hp.

"fuck you, smitt." you nearly screamed out of frustration, lacking medical supplies, attempting to shoot his building down. "there are eleven people left and you pull this shit?"

john jokingly threatened him. "smitty, if you try that again—" he was stopped by a coughing fit and he sniffed, his try at scaring the canadian failing quite miserably, "i'm gonna have to come over and fuck your shit up."

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