fitz - having a crush on you

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you make him laugh so hard he's wheezing.

he catches you at the grocery store on weekends and wishes he said more to you every time he checks out.

he's had a crush on you since senior year in high school. you, toby, and him are the ultimate trio.

you jokingly tell cameron that you're feeling down while smoking weed and he ends up privately messaging you and making sure that you're okay. it ends in a vent session and you go to sleep at 3 am, while cams pulled an all-nighter but he doesn't regret it. u end the call with a druggy "i love you, cammy." that's meant to be platonic and he doesn't say anything back because hes blushing so damn hard on the other end.

he begs you to get on discord because you haven't played with him in a while and you oblige. you teamkill each other so much the two of you get kicked.

you send him wattpad fics and he laughs while mentioning how you two went over the chapters in a podcast episode, leaving out the part where he imagined you as reader.

on the rare occasion that he streams, you comment fake facts about him in the chat and he can't focus on whatever he's trying to do because now he's flustered.

surprising cameron on the metro and you now have a compilation of startled fitz videos in your camera roll.

playing fortnite with him -he dies early on and is cheering you on as you demolish the opponents, you grin as he shouts encouragement, glad that spending time with mccreamy has finally rubbed off on your gaming skills.

he makes excuses to come over, because he loves the way you've decorated your apartment and he wants to spend his time with you.

you met in high school when you were sitting on a curb in the rain, praying to god that you'd get a cold and be able to skip school. he asks why and nods at your logic, folding his umbrella and joining you.

cameron would try and ask you out a bunch of times but he can't work up the courage every time he plans on doing it. the boys always yell at him for not "manning up". eventually, he tries to do it and once he gets the point across you end up shutting him up with a kiss.

i lost inspiration sorry

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