zuckles - after.

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a rq that i finally got to. sorry it took so long. i dont remember who requested this :(

angst warning

it's a hitch in his throat when he catches sight of you sitting in a diner booth with someone he doesn't recognize from your friend group.

it's dark circles as he tries to catch up on videos—anything to get you off his mind, and you're almost always in his head at three in the morning, whether he's conscious or not.

stubble that he doesn't shave because he cut himself last time and it bled everywhere.

it's getting koby to make sure you're okay, because he knows what he did and wants to apologize for it, but he's afraid of the chance that he'd make things worse if he confronted you.

hesitating at the last second when he's about to shred the pictures taped on the wall. he settles for ripping the tape into pieces.

it's having a constant lump in your throat, and nearly anything could've made you cry those first few days.

a glimpse of your story off of one of his friends' phones, and a hollow glaze settles over his eyes, before he excuses himself to the bathroom and pats water on his red face.

zoned-out showers where he doesn't realize the hot water's gone cold until he's shivering and his mother's asking why the water bill is so high that month.

coming across you at the chick-fil-a, giving and receiving a stiff nod, until kj drags you over for an attempt at compromise.

missing each other's hugs.

it's him about to apologize every time he sees you, but his throat can never spit out those three words.

having to deal with your parents complaining about how mason was a 'bad influence' and how they're glad he's away from you now, even though you'd do anything to get him back.

reading through old messages and comparing it to your current relationship, wondering how on earth you got here.

him still dropping off a christmas gift for your dog, and vice versa for his cat.

a halt in your steps as you step the store door, realizing the cup of boba tea in your hands was his go-to drink, not yours.

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