mccreamy - dating him would include

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doing this for all of the boys xx if you want a certain boy to be uploaded sooner lmk

(the rest of the crush headcanons will be uploaded soon. ezra's is next)


helping ainsley run his taco business

trying to do the accent of a female ainsley and it fails so badly that jay is laughing the entire round and can't calm down enough to put on the accent.

making him blush because you always mention how much you love his laugh.

falling asleep listening to each other talk.

being fashionable as fuck and picking out clothes together.

alternatively, stealing his jackets & shirts.

mirror selfies that show off your color coordinated outfits.

nose and forehead kisses.

asking each other the stupidest questions at midnight. waking him up at four am to answer his question about if zombies could get high because you've been thinking about it all night long.

jay's entire twitter page is just tweets about you or mason.

him sharing stories about you two on the podcast.

wearing masks together in public because you gotta admit it it's pretty damn hot.

jokingly hitting on him while in a game and his plays become so bad, but you can't stop laughing because the mccreamy just got lost the game by forgetting to place a ramp down.

replying to hate tweets about his skill with memes.

supporting the fuck out of each other.

all you have to do is look at each other before you both start wheezing and giggling.

bear hugs where he has to sit down because of how tightly you're clinging onto him.

calling him 'timmy thick'.

complimenting his eyes and his cheeks flush so badly that it's like he's wearing blush.

being cheesy as hell.

kinda short but i'll probably add more later <3

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