aesthetics - summer

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its almost summer now but it'll probably actually be summer when i publish this

cameron. creator parties. homemade cocktails that aren't as bad as you thought they'd be. skipping stones by a lake. pulling each other into the pool and arguments over where your beach towels went when you're hurriedly packing the day before the trip. volunteering at an animal shelter and eventually taking one home. visiting disney—you made him wear a mickey mouse headband the entire trip. sending him recipes you think he'd like. throwing an ice cube down his shirt and he shrieks. helping him edit and upload. hacking his instagram. the cheering and dinner that you take him out for when his insta gets verified. bubble baths and throwing the soapy foam at each other. him bumping into the fan and cursing

mason. liquor slushies that go down too easy and oops now you're both hammered. refusing to sleep in his room because you know what happens on his mattress (😳🥴). making meals together at home, and it actually tastes pretty good. screaming and him yelling 'what the fuck cunt' when there was a giant snake chilling on the porch outside. dozing around like a pair of lazy tabbies. calling everything gay. sharing snow cones. teaching him your summer traditions. beach days with the boys. building lego sets with koby, but this time you don't let swagger boot the finished product. prank calls that sound like they were orchestrated by a sixth grader. constant pranks and jokes until one goes a little too far and you two are angry at each other for two days max. pillow fights where he lets you win because he likes seeing you on top of him.

matt. chilling on a hammock together. stabbing yourself on the pointy rocks at the pebble beach he insisted you visit, because the views are to die for. spending your weekends hiking. excited hugs when you see him without planning to, sprinting to each other. ice cream trips with him at ungodly hours to the point where the manager asks if you'd like to take the 2 am shift. burying him in the sand when you visit the ocean. poking fun at him (literally) with a stick. teaching each other how to play the kazoo through youtube tutorials. recommending books to each other. him making an end of summer montage with you and it goes viral on twitter. somehow convincing him to be in your tiktoks and he ends up being even more into it than you. sticking your ice-cold feet onto his back.

john. spending a good week building an intensive lego set and putting it on a trophy shelf afterwards. helping him to paint his nails—having matching manicures. facemasks together when the weather's just unbearable and your face feels like it's about to melt off. cookouts where he's dressed as a dad—complete with the fanny pack, and you can't help but cackle. jokingly mocking each other's laugh. buying a telescope and pointing out the moon and stars on clear nights. sending him stupid videos that make him cackle so hard you can hear him from across the apartment. meeting bbno$ and teasing john with him. shopping with him and him begrudgingly holding all of your bags. blowing vape clouds to wake him up when he's slept into the afternoon.

ezra. cutting his hair because otherwise it's a sponge of sweat. yelling into the fan. "accidentally" giving him a buzzcut. homemade popsicles since you don't feel like walking to the store. beach vacations with your friends. cuddling on the couch even though it's way too hot. streaming on minecraft because you want to say hi to his fans. trying to match his deep voice. vidcon and pax together. watching scary movies where he makes fun of you for hiding behind a blanket. swimming in lakes. skinny dipping. he blows up on tiktok. playing gravel with your friends.

swagger. reenacting fanfiction because you're both bored out of your minds. staying cuddled in bed as neither of you want to move. swagger dipping from the misfits house to visit you a lot. bringing you home with the proudest smile the boys have ever seen. playing games with bee. popsicle runs at 12 am. making your own party board-game. it doesn't end well. you become the person who sorts through fanmail since he caught you cackling at a letter once.

- got lazy but this has been in my drafts for like a year so if any of u want anyone else in it pls comment and i'll add them :)

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