Chapter One

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John Pov
I sighed, sitting up in my bed and ruffling my hair. I glanced at my alarm clock and remembered I don't have class today, which is nice.

I don't necessarily hate taking law but I don't love it either. I wanted to go for more a medical sort of study but you do what you gotta do to impress your family. Making pops proud I guess.

I wiped my eyes and slowly realized I have a date with Martha Manning at nine tonight. I groaned, looking around my room and slowly getting out of bed.

I walked into the small dorm living room and saw the TV playing some stupid ass informercial. The only reason I leave that shit on is because Alex likes to make fun of it, and to be frank it's pretty damn funny.

I trudged over to Alex's room, knocking on the door a few times.

"What do you need asshole?"
He called.

I took this as a single to swing open his door.

He sat on his cheap ass desk chair, his feet propped on his desk, listening to music and most likely going through shitty memes on his phone.

"Put on a damn shirt," I muttered, swiping a dirty one off the ground and tossing it to him.

It fell on his chest and he grumbled, putting it on the desk.

"What do you need fucktart?"
He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What, I cant just talk to my best friend?" I asked.

Alex scoffed, looking back at his phone.

"We may be best friends but if I'm gonna be honest, I can tell when you want somethin' from me. Is it drugs, cigs, Juul or..I don't know like..uh a pocket knife or somethin'?" Alex listed.

"When have I ever come to you for drugs? You're a drug dealer?" I said, leaning against the doorway, crossing my arms.

"Eh. From time to time."
He muttered, smirking.

"You're such a fuckin' liar."
I groaned, standing up a bit straighter.

"You of all people should know this," He hummed.

"Anyway, you were right. I do need something outta you, you fucking rat." I muttered.

"Rat? Usually get street rat, sewer rat, or fox. Gotta be more clear Johnny. Street or sewer?" He asked.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
I said, walking into his room and sitting down on his bed.

Alex rolled his eyes and muttered something along the lines of,
"First of all, I'm an insomniac."

I groaned, lazily flipping him off.

"But yeah. I got this date with Martha Manning-"

"But you're gay."
Alex deadpanned.

"You think I don't know that? Anyway, I didn't want to be mean to her so I obliged." I told him.

"Man, you outta stop leading chicks on like this. Soon enough, they's gonna think you're straight." Alex told me.

"They shouldn't be plural." I muttered.

"True, True. I really out to stop hanging out with other rats." He said.

"But..I'm the only one you..hang out wit- you motherfucker." I hissed, narrowing my eyes.

"I wouldn't fuck your mother,"
He said with a smirk.

"Yeah, you get near my ma and you'd be six feet under before the bra came off asshole." I said.

He snickered, spinning his chair around to face me.

"Anyway, what do you need help with my man?" He asked.

"Martha, this ones actually into me and I don't know what to do." I told him.

Alex clicked his tongue.

"Tell her you like it in the ass, next problem." Alex said, grabbing the shirt off the table and pulling it on.

"If you think I'd actually do that, you're fucking insane." I said.

And if anything, I'm a top.

"I've always been insane John."
He said.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. But you gotta help me my boy."
I said, wiping my eyes.

"I ain't your boy, I'm a man." Alex muttered.

Alex's phone beeped, he gave it a glance and clicked his tongue.

"Got places to go,
people to see and
drugs to sell.
Hope all goes well with Martha
the man."
Alex said, grabbing his worn out brown leather jacket and walking out of his room.

"Martha Manning,"
I corrected under my breath.

I looked around Alex's room, the place smelling like ink and cigarettes. Sighing, I stood up and exited his room, closing the door behind me.

It was twelve now so that means I have a full nine hours to sulk and stress out about a stupid ass date.

I wiped my face and walked into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator, I quickly realized that I don't live with a human, I live with Alexander and he's fucking insane, concluding the reason why we don't have food.

I looked for my keys and when I finally found them, I grabbed my coat and stuffed my phone, wallet and keys in my pockets, leaving the door.

Gonna get me some McDonald's fries because that,
is the shit.

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