Chapter Fifteen

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John Pov
Alex and I sat on a bus stop bench, smoking and watching cars go by.
I looked at Alex, admiring him.

I've found myself doing that more and more lately. From his looks to personality. I remember doing it all the time in Senior year, and it continued into Freshmen year of college, barely fading but I didn't ever realize that I was admiring him until I was already going..

He glanced to me and I looked away, staring down at my cigarette.

Alex sighed, wiping his nose.

"Gotta love that sweet smell of pollution in the city." He said, only half joking.

I snickered, tossing my cig on the ground. See? Who can't love that sense of humor?

"Wouldn't be New York without it."
I added.

"True," Alex hummed.

"Come 'ere tomcat,"
I said, wrapping an arm around Alex's shoulders.

He beamed, scooting closer to me.

"Ay, I can almost smell the ginger hair, I muttered.

"Fuck off," He hissed.

"It's eighty-eight degrees,"
A boy said to his friend, walking past us.

Alex hit my shoulder lightly.

"You heard the man. It's eighty eight degrees," Alex said.

"So?" I asked.

"That means it's too hot to be outside." Alex said, hopping up.

My arm slid off his shoulders and I stood up with him, walking by his side. We walked back to Kings together, me shaking an arm back around his shoulders.

Alex didn't acknowledge nor question it. I wonder what he'd do if I held his hand? He sighed, scanning crowds of people as they walked by.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I asked. "Death."

I sighed.
"Per usual." I muttered.

We walked in a silence for about two seconds before breaking down in laughter.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and whispered,
"You're coming down with me bitch,"

And proceeded to pull me closer to the ground. At this point, Alex and I were laughing so hard, that only wheezes were audible.

I pushed his shoulder, and the both of us let go of each other, catching our breaths.

I pointed at him and breathlessly exclaimed, "Bitch!"

He smiled, rolling his eyes. We continued to walk, talking about whatever came to our minds and making some weird ass inside jokes.

I looked at him talk, sighing softly.


I looked at his hand and muttered, "You have really fucking bony hands."

He paused, furrowing his eyebrows and
looking at his hand.

"Eh," He shrugged, continuing to talk.

"And you know how the goblin thot, aka Mr.Leckman was like, if you got pens, share them?" He asked.

"Sounds like communist propaganda," I noted.

Alex snickered, nodding.

We walked by apartments and were stopped when a kid shouted,
"Is that a Hamilton I smell?!"

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