Chapter Twenty Eight

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Can I say something real quick?
Y'all are really nice and it warms my heart honestly. A few people have been commenting on my message board and being all nice, and thank you for that.

Y'all are amazing.

Alex Pov
John has been flipping out for about a week and a half. He's been calling his dad a lot and I think it's sort of strange he calls his dad 'sir' but I won't question it. I'm not in the position to judge him.

"Alright. After lots of convincing, you'll be able to come with me to South Carolina over break." John said, sounding exasperated.

"Fun. So how'd you say it? Yeah Alex is very good best friend..who I live with..and hang out with 24/7..we also hold hands but homo."
I said, glancing up at John.

"..Something like that. It was more like, 'Sir I have friends' and he was like, 'Cool.' And I was like, 'Can I bring my friend to South Carolina?' And he was like, 'no.' Then I did fucking hours of convincing that man and finally, there was a compromise." John said.

"..and that is?"
I asked.

"It's pretty much just don't be a dick and we're good." John shrugged.

"Well fuck."
I muttered.

"Not the right answer, try again."
John said.

"Of course Laur, I'm never a dick to people." I said.

"That would be a lot better if you didn't sound mildly sarcastic." John said.

"Fuck off."
I said, crossing my arms.

"And there's the Alexander we all know and love." John muttered.

"I'm touched,"
I said, pressing a hand to my chest.

John grinned.
"And I'm glad." John said, sitting down next to me.

"You excited to meet my oh so wonderful little bitch ass siblings?" John asked.

"Shut up, you love your siblings more than you love yourself." I said.

"Shut up, no one needs to know that."
John said, pushing my shoulder lightly.

I snickered.
"Just sayin',"

John sighed, wiping his face.
"Just please, I ask one thing of you. Don't piss off my dad." John said.

"So...don't open my mouth when I'm in a fifteen feet radius of him unless it's to say hello?" I asked.

"Exactly." John said.
"You have a strange family."
I muttered.

"You don't get to judge."
He said, slightly harsh.
I glared at him.

It's true but he doesn't have to say it.

"Sorry." John muttered.
"You tired of your dad already?"
I asked.

"Something like that." John said.
"I don't blame you," I shrugged.
"You think he remembers me?" I asked.

"From the one time you came to South Carolina with me? Eh...maybe."
John said.

"Aw come on, I'm memorable."
I told him.

"He met you while you were in high school. You've grown a good two inches since then." John said, grinning.

"My height is not your concern asshole. I'm taller than a lot of people."
I muttered.

"Oh yeah, like children."
John said faking thoughtfulness.

"I'm five six!"
I exclaimed.

"..And a half?" John teased.
"Oh fuck off, I'm an average height."
I said.

"Yeah, for a woman." John said. "When's the last time you met a five seven woman?" I asked.

"Professor Jones is five nine."
John said in a near deadpan.

"Shut up." I muttered.
"She's taller than most women." I said.

"Oh so you're a woman? I guess I can tell my dad I'm straight then."
John said snickering.

"No, I'm not a woman! You're an asshole." I said, glaring at him.

Five six isn't short. Its average. I'm an average height! Everyone else are just giants. Children excluded. Unless there's really tall fuckin children. If there comes a day where fifth graders are taller than me, I think I'll have a mental breakdown.

"If I started crying would you stop teasing me?" I asked.

"Can the spawn of Satan form tears?" John asked.

"Wow, okay, ouch, you meanie."
I said, trying to form tears but failing.

"Aw, I'm sorry."
John said, still mocking me.

"I don't forgive you." I muttered.
John raised an eyebrow.

"Imma get you back. Imma point out somethin' you're insecure about you...
stupid blond." I said.

John snickered.
"You're right, I'm the stupid blond in horror movies, next insult let's go." John said, crossing his arms, leaning back on the edge of the couch.

I muttered.

Why is there nothing wrong with him.

This makes me upset. But also very happy at the same time.
What the hell is wrong with me?

"Rich boy."
I said.

"Yeah, I gots money for days, anymore Hamilton?" John asked.

"How are you real?" I asked, accepting defeat at this point.

John shrugged.
"When a woman really likes a man-"

"God John! I know what- Shut up!"
I exclaimed, looking at him in disgust.

He didn't say anything but he made that..that face.

That face on his face.
You know the one when someone knows they've said some weird ass shit but they're like..
proud of it.

We sat in silence for about point five seconds before bursting out in laughter.

This fucking idiot.
God I love this fucking idiot.

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