Chapter Four

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John Pov
I grabbed my phone, watching the clock. I woke up early and decided to be a dick, so I went to wake up Alex. Then I remembered Alex literally doesn't sleep so there was no real dick move there.

I kinda just went into his room and muttered, "Oh."

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"What do you need asshole?"
He asked.

"Nothin' I was just..
did you go to sleep last night?"
I asked.

"Well you see, I slept on the couch for about two hours and then I would have swore I heard a crash from my room, and so I go in here and everything is fine. I looked around, and there's no sign of the giant ass spider. So...
I kind of just stayed in here for the rest of the night." Alex shrugged.

"Anyway, we have class in two hours."
I told him.

I know."
Alex replied.

"What do you want to do?"
I asked.

"We could go downtown and do shit there," He suggested.

I thought about it for a moment before shrugging and giving a nod.

"Sounds good."
I said.

"Gimme five minutes, aight?"
Alex hummed.

"Of course,"
I said, leaving his room and shutting the door.

I went to my room,

I finished the essay I was writing which is nice.

I heard something come from Alex's room and assumed that he was being an idiot and managed to trip on nothing.

I walked out of my room and into the living room, where Alex was putting on his shoes.

"You know, I really shouldn't have gotten in a fight last night." Alex said.

"Right. Drunk Alex told me about that." I told him.

"He did? Damn I must've left out the part where I got a fucking black eye." Alex grumbled, eyebrows furrowed.

"You got a black eye?.."
I trailed off.

He looked up to me, giving me a glare only formable by Alexander Hamilton. I saw bruise in a ring around his eye, a small cut bordering the bruise.

"Oh shit he got you good,"
I said in surprise.

"Yeah he did."
Alex muttered, going back to tying his shoes.

"You usually are better at fighting,"
I noted.

"Yeah, well I was tipsy and unaware of why I was fighting in the first place and for half of the fight I thought I was punching the air so fuck off."
Alex hissed.

I put my hands up in surrender, with an eyebrow raised.

He glanced to me and rolled his eyes, muttering, "Shut up prick."

"I didn't say anything,"
I told him.

"Your face spoke a thousand words and all of them words were judging me."
He said, getting up.

I snickered, rolling my eyes.

"Okay so now shut up."
Alex said, glaring at me.

"You're an idiot." I said.
"So are you fucktart." He shot back.

I rolled my eyes, heading to the door.
I glanced back to Alex, who sighed, fiddling with his hands for a second before following me out.


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