Chapter Twenty Seven

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Should I make a Lams Oneshots book?
That'd be cool I think.

John Pov
Alex spit out blood, glaring at the man who punched him. I was busy trying to protect my own ass. Why did I sign up for this? Ah right. Because I like this for some fucked up reason.

"You fight like a girl,"
A man hissed at Alex.

"That must be why I'm winning."
Alex shot back, clocking the guy.

I pushed a man off me, grabbing his hair and slamming his face into my knee. They tried to mug us, alright?
We have our reasons.

"That come back was awesome,"
I said, panting heavily.

"Which one?"
Alex asked with a smirk.

That cocky son of a bitch.

" about a girl,"
I said, still trying to find my breath.
Alex smiled, giving a nod.

"Hate it when people disrespect women." He said, almost as breathless as me.

"I hate that too. And when people are racist." I added.

"We fight for the greater good!"
He exclaimed, hitting his chest.

I laughed, following him to the sidewalk. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, smiling softly.

"Who woulda guessed I got through to John Laurens." Alex said, looking to me with a smirk.

I muttered.

"Hey guys! What are you doing?"
Laf asked, seeming happy to see us.

I thought about taking my arm off Alex but then again, I did that a lot before we were dating. My god.
We're dating.

How the hell am I going to explain that to my family? I should bring Alex to South Carolina over break sometime. Do it then.

I'd probably chicken out but it might get me somewhere.

"Just uh..
taking in the sights."
Alex said.

"..At night?"
Laf asked.

"Best time to do so," I said.
Laf nodded.

"That's true. It's pretty out here without the cars." He agreed.

"What are you doin'?"
Alex asked.

Lag smiled.
"I was at the store! You see, as a child I always thought that 'gummy bears' were life sized bears, but no! They're these cute little tasty things, and I love them." Laf told us excitedly.

Alex and I chuckled, nodding.
"Have a good night!" Alex said to him as we walked by.

"You ever want to tell people that we' know, or do you want to keep it a secret forever?" Alex asked me once Laf was out of earshot.

"Not forever. Just for now."
I said.

Alex sighed, nodding.
"What about your father?" Alex asked.

"God no. Not now. Maybe at Christm- no. That's a bad idea." I furrowed my eyebrows.

My dad would stab me if I came out on Christmas.

Okay that's over exaggerating but whatever.

"I don't even celebrate Christmas."
Alex muttered.

"What?" I asked.
"I'm Jewish." He said.

"How the hell did this not come up in the five years I've known you?" I said in disbelief.

Alex shrugged.
"You never asked."

"Is there anything else that I just don't know?" I asked, not sure wether or not I wanted an answer.

"I learned Hebrew when I was younger. You know how you went to a Catholic middle school? I went to a really Jewish one. But it was really inexpensive and like a C grade school." Alex said.

"Oh okay wow."
I muttered.

"Oh and I wear glasses." He added. "Again, How the hell did this not come up?" I asked.

"I wear contacts have of the time. But when I don't I trip on stuff a lot."
Alex told me.

I remembered once Alex tripped on a chair while we were leaving a lecture. That must've been one of the times he wasn't wearing them. That or he was being stupid. I guess it explains why I hear him falling a lot throughout the dorm.

I kissed his forehead and whispered, "You're a fucking idiot."

"Said the reckless moron to the dweeb." Alex muttered.

I snickered at the fact Alex had willingly called himself a dweeb. "Haven't heard that word since high school." I hummed.

Alex shrugged.
"Neither have I."

I was still a bit confused as to how I never knew Alex was Jewish but I didn't question it much because I don't know much about his family either. He doesn't know much about mine.

He knows my siblings names and shit like that but he doesn't like..know them or anything. Alex hasn't met them. I've told him the most about Jemmy, mainly because he's the one I spend the most time with. I spend a lot of time with Martha too mainly because she's the oldest of all my younger siblings so I could relate to her a little better than Mary.

I told Alex about the time Jemmy fell off of a building. He's fine now though he has epilepsy episodes now because he hit a nerve in the back on his head and when he cracked his skull that nerve stayed apart despite going to the hospital and getting treatment. So he had to take pills because he has seizures long story short.

My father was pissed and I blamed myself for years. A little bit of me still does even though Jemmy tells me not to. He's very smart for a twelve year old.

"For our Christmas break, do you want to go to South Carolina with me?"
I asked.

I didn't think much about it and it sort of just came out.

"..sure." Alex said slowly.

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