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Here we go!!1!1!

This is the best intro to a chapter I've ever had-

Alright. Firstttt question.

1. Will you ever take a break?
Depends. Right now I use writing to help with mental health. Lemme elaborate, writing helps me not think about all the shitty things that I could be flipping out about. It calms me down so..

2. Favorite animal?

3. dO aLex/jOhn diE??
Is classified information.

4. Is Alex gonna cry?
..thats for me to know and for you to find out.

5. Will there at least be a happy ending?
You'll see~

6. Is John gonna confess?
What's your guess?

7. Is there self harm next chapter?
Neither of them are suicidal.
I mean..Johns depressed, Yeah, but he's not..he's not going to self harm. And Alex isn't suicidal anymore so..
Yeah no.

8. How are you and your girlfriend?
We're doing good, thanks for asking.

Oh and one last thing,
I found this bandana.
And I decided to be an idiot and..
I look like a lizard...
a bandana.

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