Chapter Seventeen

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Alex Pov
I sat in my room, listening to the sound of a tennis ball colliding with the ceiling. I'm going to go insane if I hear it again. I hopped off my chair, grabbing my jacket and walking out of my room.

"Shut up Laurens!" I shouted as I left.
"Fuck off twink!" He called.

I stopped, glaring at his door.
I'm not a fucking twink.

I groaned, leaving the dorm. I don't know why he's so pissed but I'm not gonna question it because he'd probably end up ranting and I honestly don't want to hear that very much.

That's an asshole move, I know, but I just..don't want to hear him be upset.

I walked around campus, muttering to myself which caught quite a few glances.

"Damn it John. I didn't do shit and you're being..
I muttered, fiddling with the edges of my sleeves.

"Maybe its just midterms. Maybe. I don't know. Why don't I know? God I'm a fucking psychopath." I said, wiping my eyes tiredly.

I looked over to a group of people, one of them looking to me and then whispering something to their friend.

I sighed.
I barely even said anything.

"And what's with the whole looking at each other and then glancing away and that shit? What's that about? I'm going to pretend I haven't done it either."
I said, continuing to walk the campus.

I ignored the people staring at me, and the occasional mutter of 'Freak.'

"Believe me, I know I'm a freak. Some things just never change, do they?"
I muttered, biting the inside of my cheek.

I sat down on a bench, eyebrows furrowed.

"He's not mad at me. Why should I even care? I shouldn't give a shit because because.."
I trailed off.

"What's wrong with me? Where did I go wrong? What fucked up thing happened to me to make me like this? Oh right, all the deaths I grew up around. That was pretty shitty.
Thanks dad, where ever- whoever you are. And Peter, I love you pal, but what the fucking fuck tarts?
You committed suicide when I needed you most. But that's okay.
I guess.
It's not my decision if you kill yourself. I bet there was nothing I could do anyway. You dying Peter..
That's where it went wrong I think.
I was fine after dad left, if that was even my dad though I doubt it, but I was fine. I had mom and James.
Then mom.
That was a little fucked up, not gonna lie, but I could live through that.
And James?
Where did James even go?
It was like one second he was there and then the next.."
I trailed off, sighing.

"Hey Pyscho,"
John said, sitting down next to me.

"I thought you were pissed."
I said.

"Yeah. I am."
He replied.

"Then why are you-"

"You didn't do anything wrong. But I'm still gonna be salty because that's just who I am, alright?" He said.

I nodded.
John smiled softly, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I grinned,

looking down at my lap, shaking my head. I moved closer to him, not sure why, but I did. I looked at him, biting my lip.

We didn't say anything for a while.

I sighed, looking away, scanning the campus.

"You're a goblin thot."
I muttered.

He faked a gasp.

"I am not a goblin thot!"
John exclaimed.

I snickered.
"That's exactly what someone would say if they're as goblin thot." I told him.

"Then what would they say if they're not a goblin thot?" John asked.

"I don't know. Because literally everyone is a goblin thot." I said with a shrug.

"So you're saying our whole population..are..goblin thots." John said slowly.


"But..but no,"
John said, furrowing his eyebrows.

I shrugged.
"I just tell how it is." I hummed.

He snickered, shaking his head. I glanced to him, and when I saw him looking at me so I flipped out and averted my eyes.

Do I love him?
I think I love him.

What the fuck.
Why the fuck.

John why did you do this to me?

"Imma kill you."
I muttered.

"What? Alex murder is never the answer." John said, smirking.

"What if it's the question?"
I asked, looking to him.

"..then the answer is yes.
Shoot me,"
He said.

I snickered.
"I changed my mind. If you die then I'll have no friends," I said sadly.

"What about Laf? Dale? Ed?"
He listed.

"Laf has a girlfriend, he's busy.
Dale..he and I had a friends with benefits thing for a while so that'd be awkward. And Ed is my brother so he doesn't count." I said.

John shrugged.
"Guess I'll just have to stay alive then."

I smiled.


So. For the first time eVeR I drew this thing on my IPad. Not on paper.
How surprising.
It looks like shit but then again it's my first time doing it so..


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