Chapter Thirty One

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John Pov
You see, I could come out right now. Like right now, and just have that be out there. Drama always happens over break. It's not break without it, right?

But anyway, we were eating dinner and talking about the recent political issues. My brother Jemmy tried his best to understand and talk with us but he's eleven and I don't think he even watches the news so he's not contributing much to the conversation.

Though he's trying.

"I don't know, I guess it's all shit," Patsy said only to be nudged my father for her language.

"Well she's not wrong,"
Alex muttered.

"You have to learn from a shitty government though. But in all fairness, I'd rather live in a nation with a good one." I said.

"Oh so he gets to curse and I don't?" Patsy said under her breath.

I smirked.
"I'm also in college," I said.

"I'm also eighteen,"
She said, mocking my voice.

"Shuddup." I told her.

"Little bitch,"
"Meme stealer,"

I said.

"Jack, I swear to god, kill that nickname right now." Patsy said.

Alex snickered beside me.
My father was glaring at us, it was silent but scary.

Scary enough to make everyone shut up, even Jemmy and Polly's quiet bickering.

Harry kind of sat there, resting his chin in his hand, seemingly unfazed by our fathers death stare.

I guess he's used to it.
My father always accused my brother of messing up.

"So..Alexander, how long have you known Jack?" My father asked.

I could basically feel Alex struggling to hold back a snarky smirk, a raised eyebrow or snapping at him.

"Nearly six years,"
Alex said, pausing to take a drink.

Good answer.
It's the right answer.

"How long have you known him?"

..and there it is.

Patsy choked on her drink, snickering.
"Oh wow," Jemmy said, also laughing.

My father asked.

Alex waved a dismissing hand.

"Ah, forget about it. Lame attempt at humor, do excuse me." Alex said.

"Right," My father said, giving a short nod and having a slight smile on his face.

"May I be excused?"
Harry asked, his tone bored.

My father sighed.

Harry got up, taking his plate and walking off to the kitchen.

"What killed your brothers emotions?" Alex asked me quietly.

"Probably my dad," I whispered back.
Alex nodded.

"Can I leave too?" Patsy asked.

"What? That's so unfair! You let Harry-"

"What'd you learn at school?" My father asked her.

"..oh. Uhhh..We talked a little about the Cold War, can I leave now?"
Patsy asked.

My father nodded. I stood up, along with Alex and we left without asking because we are le cool bois.

..And literal adults.

Jemmy followed after us.
I saw Polly get up and walk out with my father. Alex and I cleared our plates.

Polly tugged on Alex's sleeve.

He hummed, looking down at her.

"How old are you?" She asked.
"Eighty seven." Alex answered. "Really?!" My sister asked, giggling.


"What happened to your eye?"
Polly asked.

"Oh uh, I fell." Alex said.

I snorted.
He fell..on his face.
Great excuse Alex, I applaud you.

"Okay!" Polly said happily.
"Did it hurt?" She asked.

"A little bit," Alex shrugged.
"Aw," She said.

"I'm okay though."
Alex said, smiling down at her.

"Okay!" She said happily, standing on her tip toes and putting her plate in the sink.

She ran off to her room.

"Your siblings are cute," Alex hummed. "Oh, thanks." I said, smirking.

"..You're the cutest out of all of em." Alex added.

I snorted.
"Yeah okay. Sure."

"It's true!"


Q&A time!
Thank you guys, again.
Side note, I reworded some of the questions a little and I'm sorry but I think I got the general idea of the question. Again, I'm sorry.

1) How long have you been writing? Have you ever wrote or English classes?
I have been writing stories and shit since I was like six because I wanted to be an author but started on Wattpad sometime in July I think. Oh and I've taken Language Arts classes because...
I had to.

2.) Are you in Drama/Musical theater?
I'm in Crew which is basically the lighting, sound and stagehand type things and it's pretty cool. I was in one Musical and that was a school preformed Newsies.
I was Crutchie.

3.) Regarding your profile picture of Connor Murphy, who's your favorite character?
Evan Hansen.
By far out of all musicals.

4.) What inspired you to make a Wattpad account and create such amazing fanfics?
One, I'm flattered and two, I read some weird ass Jamilton shit when I was eleven and was like
Anywho, my first fanfic was Jamilton..I'd like to think I've gotten better at writing and..knowing facts I guess. Oh and don't read my older stuff. That can burn.

5.) Why do you always kill Alex?
I am Aaron Burr at heart.

6.) Recommended books to read?
There's this one book on A03 called Revolutionary Fuckboys and I love that to an unholy amount.

7.) Do you know how amazing your stories are?
Do you know how incredibly kind you are?

8.) Will you kill off Alex?
That's for me to know and you to find out.

9.) Do you have a separate account for when you comment on things?
Nope. I don't comment much but when I do people usually don't comment that they recognize me. It's happened like once, and I was beyond flattered oh my goodness, everyone is amazing-


Anyway, I have a question for you guys. What kind of a person do you think I am by my writing and things I've said? I'm honestly curious.

I hope you all have a great day!


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