Chapter Twenty Three

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John Pov
Alex and I sat side by side holding hands (though it wasn't something we discussed) and staring at the TV which was playing that horror movie Hereditary, with blank looks on our faces. I think I'd lose my shit if we did this in a public setting but I didn't flip out too badly in class so..
I'm not sure.

I don't know exactly what the two of us are but I'm sure I'll figure it out- We'll figure it out, soon enough. God, I'm so used to going through shit alone that saying 'we' in something other than a friendly neighborhood heterosexual way is weird to me.

"What the hell is with horror movies and putting creepy ass children in them? And people climbing on the ceiling? Like, um, get off the damn ceiling please, thanks." Alex said, furrowing his eyebrows.

I snickered, shaking my head.
"Yo, why can't you just move houses or somethin'? Get a change of scenery,"
I said.

"Exactly! And could we also leasing the whole dying thing? Because that'd be great," Alex said, laughing with me.

"The very vulgar dying,"
I added.

Alex laughed.
"True, True."

He moved closer to me, our legs overlapping each other.

"What the hell Alex?"
I asked with a sigh.

"What do you mean?"
He asked.

"You know what I mean I just..
what are we doing?" I said, actually curious to see what he had to say.

"I uh..I'm not really sure but feels good doesn't it? Whatever it is."
Alex said slowly, seeming to pick the words carefully.

I gave a short nod.
I fucking hate that it feels right.
I would have never pictured myself being so confused over a guy, let alone Hamilton.

I sighed, my eyes moving from Hamilton to the horror movie.
Not much of a difference there considering Alex is a wreck. He put his head on my shoulders and I felt myself tense then instantly relax.

That was pretty fuckin' weird but okay.

I glanced to Alex who bit his lip, staring at his hand.

"You good?"
I asked.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. It's just weird seeing my knuckles without bandages. I don't know. You were right, I have really bony hands." Alex said, chuckling lightly.

I snickered, saying,
"You remember that? I said that weeks ago,"

"I guess you're just memorable,"
Alex hummed.

I scoffed, muttering,
"You cliche son of a bitch."

"You love it,"
He said.

"What if I told you I didn't?" I asked. "Then you'd be a liar." He replied.

"Prove me wrong,"
I said, smirking softly.

He never ceases to amaze me.
Alex is one of those guys that should be an idiot. Key word: should.

Gets in fights every other day, never sleeps, and will talk till the end of the world. I would include the fact that he had a pretty shitty education as a kid but I won't because that wasn't necessarily up to him.

But behind the bandaged hands, bruises and cocky little smirk is an brain capable of outsmarting more people than you'd think.

I looked to him, watching him search his mind for the correct words, the right information, and most of all, how to prove me wrong. All he ever wants is to prove everyone wrong. I think that has something to do with people always down grading him in his childhood but wherever the origin story started, he's got quite the brain.

"To excite you, out of anyone, the standard of mind, and adventure, achievements..
but all in all you just want that
rom-com type love though you'd never admit it, if I'm honest with you I don't think you're capable to admit such a thing considering you're..
you." Alex said, his smirk arising.

I narrowed my eyes and raised an eyebrow. "Elaborate," I said.

"On what?"
He asked.

"You can figure it out Hamilton, put two and two together and figure it out," I said.

He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Damn you like to make me think."
He muttered.

"You need someone to keep you on your toes. That's why you're always fighting. Why I'm always fighting,"
I hummed.

Alex smiled, less cocky, more genuine. Not that the smirk wasn't genuine but I'll leave you to figure out what I'm getting at.

He repeated.

"Ah, we're getting somewhere,"
I teased.

"Oh shut the fuck up you ungrateful little shit." Alex muttered.

I snorted, rolling my eyes.

"What I meant, though I know that you're fully aware what I meant when I said this but you're a little bitch so you're making me-" He cut himself off and sighed, shaking his head.

I snickered, Alex did as well.

"Alright. So what I mean by saying 'you're you,' is that you're not the type to be expressive about the things you like. Take trying to push me away for example," Alex said, his smirk rising yet again and he rubbed my knuckles.

"You bitch."
I muttered.

He shrugged.
"Hey, you told me to elaborate."

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