Chapter Thirty

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Hit 300 Followers, and I'd like to thank y'all. Anyway, because I've done a Q&A twice, I'll do it again! Because Im really uncreative! So ask me some questions and I'll answer them next chapter. Again, thank you guys!


John Pov
After reading three books, watching all of The Office's seasons about six times and twelve Friends episodes later, I can officially say, I'm really fucking bored on the train. Call me a child, I don't care. Alright, I care a little bit but that doesn't matter.

Alex has been sleeping on and off for the past ten hours. It's good that he's trying to sleep but he's still not good at it. My boyfriend isn't good at sleeping. How amazing.

I love him, but god, when he wakes up he seems like he's drunk.

Confused, idiotic..
oh wait.

That's how he normally is.

While I know that's not true and that Alex is smarter than most people, it's still fun to take hits at him.

"Where the fuck do hamsters come from?" Alex asked once he woke up.

I asked.

"You heard me. Hamsters. Where the hell do they come from? PetSmart?" Alex asked.

"..where do hamsters come from?"
I muttered.

"Exactly! It's been fucking doin me a confusion." Alex said.

" think it's Australia?" I suggested. "Why the fuck would hamsters come from Australia?" Alex nearly deadpanned.

"Why wouldn't they come from Australia?" I asked.

"Isn't it hot in Australia?" He asked.
"I don't know. Maybe?" I said.

"I bet it's probably like..Canada or something." Alex said.

"Why would they come from Canada?" I asked.

"I mean..They seem like a Canada kind of creature." Alex shrugged.

I said, looking at him confused.

"I just have a feeling that hamsters come from Canada." He said.

"That's fucking ridiculous." I told him. "You said Australia," Alex reminded.

"I love you, but fuck off."
I said.

"You fuck off! It's Canada, I'm telling you." Alex urged.

"I'm going to look it up and if you're wrong then...I don't know. You gotta do something. I'll think about it." I said, taking out my phone.

"Wait, wait, but what if you're wrong too?" Alex asked.

"Well then it'll be damn shame..and you'll still do some weird shit because I said so." I told him.

He stared at me for a moment.
"This is not fair." Alex said.

"Boo-hoo," I mocked.
He scoffed.

"Oh shit. Guess who's wrong?" I said, looking up from my phone and grinning at Alex.

"You've gotta be kidding me." He said. "It's Syria." I told him.

"Well you said Australia so-"

"Australia was a better guess than Canada," I said.

"No it's not!"


Fourteen hours and thirty six minutes later, we finally got off the train. I don't think I like trains as much as I used to. (You hear that? Fuck you trains!)

Alex and I walked around blindly for a minute, looking for my dad.

"It smells better than New York."
Alex said, wiping his nose.

"That'd make sense." I replied, my eyes catching my father and walking over there while Alex hurriedly walked by my side.

"My hands are cold," Alex said in a weak attempt to get me to hold his hand.

"That sucks." I shrugged.
"Bastard," He muttered.

I snickered.
"Sorry Lex,"

"Jack!" My father exclaimed, smiling and waving.

I jogged over to him and hugged him. "Jemmy has been nonstop talking about your arrival," My father told me. I chuckled, pulling away.

"He really looks up to you,"
My dad said.

I nodded.
"Oh, I'm fully aware," I said.

He laughed, clapping my shoulder. I glanced to Alex who was standing straight, with his hands in his pockets, and scanning the train station. I silently prayed my father wouldn't question Alex's black eye or healing cuts on his knuckles.

He had them bandaged for a while but I told him to take them off so the cuts could breathe. I assume it's painful to have his knuckles hitting against the edges of his pockets but I don't think he'll complain.

At least not in public or in front in of my father.

"I missed you Jack. It's not the same without you." My father said.

I chuckled.
"Sir, I've been living in New York for five years now," I said.

"A dreadful thing, really."
My father said.

Alex stayed silent by my side.

"Harry has been asking to take your room," My father told me as we walked outside to his car.

"Per usual. Is give it to him but..I don't want to." I said.

Alex snickered.
I smiled.

Alex and I sat in the back of the car, making some small talk with my father.


I stifled a laugh.
Nobody calls him Alexander.
Unless Alex is trying to be professional. I think he's trying now but I can't tell.

"How long have you been practicing
law?" My father asked, slowing at a stop light.

"Four years. I'll be graduating next year." Alex said.

From what I could tell, he was trying not to talk as much as he usually did.

"You get good grades?"
My father asked.

Alex shrugged.
"Somethin' like that."

It went into somewhat awkward silence after that. Alright I have no idea if he's trying to be professional or not.
He's quiet but super casual.

Who is this?
This isn't Alex.

I can already see the two of us ranting about the car ride once we get to the house.

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