Chapter Thirty Four

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John Pov
Today's the day after Christmas. It's strange for Alexander to be with us for it but I think it's a little more strange for him to be celebrating Christmas with his boyfriends family whilst being Jewish. My siblings were beyond excited though.

"You think our professors will be any nicer? You think the holiday spirit got to any of them and they really thought they should round my F to an A?" Alex asked, packing his stuff back away.

"You're failing our classes?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm exaggerating but that's besides the point,"

"I don't think so." I muttered.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm not failing them, but I would still like some grade rounding so that when I check my damn grades my teachers aren't saying, 'stop doing that thing with the margin! You wrote too much!' And J, if you even begin to say that that's not a grade, I'm referring to the comments under the grades." Alex told me.

"I figured." I said.

"Also I need to pee."


"How old are you? Three?" Alex muttered, zipping his bag.

"Yeah, three heads taller than you." I said with a smirk.

"Um, ouch. Stop with the jokes about my height. I don't know how many times I gotta tell ya. I'm average." Alex said, putting his bag onto my bed and pausing to glare at me.

"Are you sure you're avera-"


I snickered, shaking my head.

"I don't think I'll ever stop with the short jokes, Hamilton." I said.

"Fine, then get ready for a shit load of dick jokes. You won't even see them..cumming." Alex smirked.

"You're disgusting," I muttered, shaking my head- though my tone was light and I gave a grin that was rather subconscious.

"Hey, don't deny it, that was good!" Alex said, grinning.

"Shut up, oh my god. I'm literally having a religious experience while I question our relationship." I said, putting my bag onto my bed.

We're leaving tomorrow afternoon. Back on a train even thought I decided I hated trains.

"You know what? When we go back on that train, if I have to watch The Office one more time, I will blow my brains out." Alex told me, pulling a jacket on and sitting down.

"You've said that to me a lot..But hark, you're still alive." I said.

"Who the fuck says 'hark' anymore?" Alex snickered.

"Who the fuck says 'sick' anymore- but in its slang term?" I mocked.

"Okay, But 80's Language is coming back-"

"You mean..cumming back?" I said, grinning.

Alex glared at me, though he was smiling then lost it and started to laugh.

"I hate you, Laur!" He exclaimed, shaking his head.

I chuckled, saying, "Alright, Alright, I'm sorry. Please continue,"

"Oh right. 80's slang is totally making another reappearance in days to come, I'm telling you. When you think about it, the slang wasn't even that bad. Rad, sick, tubular, groovy- actually..I take that back, I'll die before I say 'groovy'."

"You just said groovy." I told him.

"Guess I'll just have to die," Alex shrugged.

"I'll die with you then."

"Wait no, that's not..No." Alexander said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"How bout no one dies yet and we get through the 80's Language coming back into style." I said.

"What about bellbottoms?"

"That's the 70's." I told him.

"The Seventies Show," Alex said with a grin.

"Friends," I smiled.

"No one told you life was," Alex said.
"Gonna be this way," I finished.

"I swear if I ever have a kid they will be introduced to Friends the second they are in my arms. Just like outta that lady and bam! Friends." Alexander said.

"You really are something else Alex." I muttered, looking to him.

As cheesy as it may sound (Yikes, cheesy and cliche) I got lost in his eyes for a moment. Who the hell has violet eyes? Alexander Hamilton, that's who.
Guess who's also a lowkey twink? Still Alex. Actually, not even lowkey. The man I'm dating, is most definitely a twink.

"What were we talking about before the sudden Friends outburst?" Alex asked.

"The Seventies. No wait- the eighties."
I told him.

"Oh right! Bellbottoms! I'm telling you that's an eighties thing." Alex said.

"No, eighties was boot cut, bellbottoms was seventies." I said.

"Shut up, I'm right." He said.

"No you ain't." I said, furrowing my eyebrows and smirking.

"Fuck you, ain't isn't a word." Alex said.

"Hypocrisy at its finest."

"What?! How am I a hypocrite?" He asked.

"You talked about dying then when I said something about it, doing the death is apparently such a horrible thing. Also you've said 'Anyways' before! Anyways isn't a word." I said.

"Shuddup." He mumbled.

"You're just upset because I'm right." I said.

"Shut up."

"Oh, how the tables have turned."

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