Chapter Nineteen

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John Pov
I groaned, grabbing my head.
The fuck..?

My eyes slowly adjusted and I found myself on the couch, and a few cans of beer on the coffee table. I looked down and saw Alex lying on my chest, loosely wrapped around me.

I felt the tips of my ears get warm.

Seeing him asleep is a surely a strange sight. He seemed almost blameless for the actions of which he had committed nearly every week.

One thing stood out the most.


He must've gotten blackout drunk otherwise he wouldn't be sleeping. He is such a lightweight that it surprises me from time to time. The one time he seems genuinely relaxed. Alex looked peaceful despite the bruises on his face faintly resembling fists.

I sighed, closing my eyes while I rubbed Alex's back subconsciously.
He groaned, squirming a bit.

"Shut up," I muttered.
"My head hurts." He said groggily.

"Oh really?" I asked, quite obviously sarcastic.

He glared at me, and dropped his head back on my chest. I rolled my eyes, tracing his shoulder blades through his shirt. Alex sighed softly, seemingly too tired to do anything.

"Please tell me we don't have class tomorrow." He mumbled.

"We do not have class tomorrow,"
I hummed.

"Oh thank god."
He muttered.

I snickered.

He gasped and hit my chest lightly.
"I am not a lightweight!" He exclaimed.

"I hate to break it to you pal..but-"

"Don't finish that sentence you southern motherfucker." He hissed, though there was a playful tone in his voice.

I sighed, both of us quiet.
I propped myself up on my elbows and said, "Off. I gotta get up."

He groaned and muttered something that resembled the word, "No!"

"I'll get you water." I told him.
He flicked my chest, saying something though it was muffled and therefore, not understandable.

"We can go to my room, just lemme get up." He sighed, sitting up.

"Thank you," I hummed, hopping to my feet and going to the kitchen.

I got cups and started to fill them with water, glancing to Alex. He sat on the couch, rubbing his head.

"Lightweight." I muttered, shaking my head.

"Come 'ere," I said, walking to my room.

Alex groaned, stumbling off the couch. "Jeez Hamilton," I said, rolling my eyes.

"I'm clumsy, I know."
He said.

"You're an adult," I said, sitting down on my bed as he closed the door. Alex shrugged.

"I'm still an undergrad. I think. I don't fuckin' know anymore. I'm graduating soon." He said, slightly rambling.

"We're both undergrads Alex."
I told him, handing him water.

He sighed, sitting down next to me. "I'm fucking insane." He said.

"Believe me, I know." I muttered.

He sighed softly, looking to me.

"I can't seem to find flaw in you Laurens. Fighting, studying, drunk or sober. None of which seem to give any sign of misdeed or mistake." Alex said, taking a drink of his water.

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