Chapter Ten

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John Pov
I sat next to Alex on the packed city bus. Two girls our age got onto the bus and looked very distressed there weren't any seats. I glanced to Alex, who seemed to realize as well.

He got up, as well as I and we both grabbed bars on the bus, standing. The girls looked at us with thankful eyes and rushed to sit where we were.

"Thank you sirs," One of them said.

Alex gave a slight nod and I muttered, "No problem."

I glanced to the other girl and quickly realized she was sort of checking me out. Didn't say anything to that. Well..
at first.

Then I decided to make her day.

"You're very beautiful,"
I hummed with a smile.

Alex looked back to me with a raised eyebrow. She blushed a bit, looking away.

I looked back to Alex and shrugged.

"You guys go to Kings?"
The other girl asked.

"Yea. You?" Alex asked, his fingers delicately tracing the bus pole.

She nodded.

"Whatcha major in?" Alex asked.
"English." She replied.

"Nice," He muttered, looking back to the front of the bus.

"What are you two taking?" She asked.

When Alex didn't say anything I answered, "Law."

"Cool. Thanks again..
for the seats." She said.

I nodded, looking back to her blushing friend. I bit my lip softly, before averting my eyes and looking to Alex.

He seemed to be zoned out, fiddling with the edge of his sleeve.

"Ay, ginger wake up."
I said, nudging him.

"Don't call me ginger," He muttered, hitting my arm.

"Well once ya stop being a ginger then-"

Alex glared at me and said,
"I can't just stop being a ginger."

"Dye it." I said.

"Fuck off," He hissed. The girl chuckled, shaking her head.

"What's your name?" The blushing girl asked me.

"His name is asshole who's ga-"

"John. My name's John." I said, cutting off Alex and glaring at him.

"Well you're also an asshole who's ga-"

As discreetly as possible, I grabbed his wrist and muttered, "If you don't shut up now I'm going make you shut up you fucking twink."

He pushed me off of him, glaring at me. "I'm not a twink." He muttered.

I raised an eyebrow, then proceeded to roll my eyes.

I looked back to the girls and asked, "What's your name?"

"Catherine." The blushing girl replied.

I heard Alex choke on nothing and shift his weight. I gave a small nod.

I repeated, smiling.

"I'm Cornelia." The other girl said.

Alex seemed to get more uncomfortable.

"What happened to your guys hands?"
Cornelia asked, looking to our bandaged hands.

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