Chapter Fourteen

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I had five fucking tests today.
Remind me why I thought taking advanced classes was a good idea-

John Pov
I watched the mock trial continue, neither Alex or I partaking in it. Mine is next week, as for Alex. We didn't pick our own groups, but we got lucky. Alex's face is back to normal (though his 'normal' face is usually beat up, but I think you know what I'm getting at) which is nice.

"This is so fucking boring, I'm going to die." Alex muttered, putting his head in his hands.

I shrugged, watching the trial go on.

"We have a lecture tomorrow right?" Jacob, the stuck up prick that sits next to me, asked.

"Yeah, from 11 to 1." Alex replied, wiping his nose and putting hands down on the table.

One of the rare times where his hands aren't bandaged. Though I do take pride in patching him up. I've always wanted to be a doctor. Sure, working with diseases would be a hell of a lot more interesting than putting disinfectant on a couple cut knuckles but it's a start.

I glanced down to my notes, and then to my computer.

Is this example of the trial going to be on the midterm?
Should I make a quizlet thing for this? God I hate my life.

You know, if I died right now,
yes, right now, I think I'd like that quite a bit.

I glanced to Alex who was watching the trial intently, but sighed looking to his own notes.

"For fucks sake I started writing in circles." Alex whispered angrily.

"Again?" I asked, looking at his notes.

Sure enough, there were a ton of notes..
forming a circle.

"That's out to be some special skill or talent or something." I said.

"It's one really fucking annoying talent then. I'm just trying to write." He said, eyebrows furrowed.

"You took notes on your laptop right?" I asked.

"Mhm. Copied it from my circle notes." He said.

"That's good."
I hummed, looking back to the mock trial.

I drummed my fingers on my pants, taking out my phone and glancing at the time.

For fucks sake. 

"Hey Laur?" Alex asked, looking ever so slightly nervous.

Well that's unusual. 

"Yeah?" I asked.

He bit his lip, and I could see the gears turning in his head.

He muttered.

"No, no, now I'm intrigued. You can't do this to me Hamilton." I said, resting my chin on my hands.

Ill ask you later, Alright?"
He said.

I sighed, rolling my eyes.


I sat on the couch with Alex, both of us looking over our notes.

"I could fail this test if I wanted."
He muttered.

"Yeah, But if you get an 'A' you might be a valedictorian next year." I said, not looking away from my own notes.

"Oh shit you're right." He realized.
"I'm always right." I said.
"No you're not." Alex deadpanned.

"Prove me wrong."
I said.

"Alright. Do you want me to list out right now or write you a paper and give it to you by tomorrow?" He asked.

"Right here and now my dude."
I said.

"Alright for starters, remember that one time in Freshmen year of college when you took notes on the wrong thing, studied it, and bombed your test? No? Because I do. And that, was not it the right if you ask me. Oh and you're a reckless fucking idiot."
He said.

"Would you like me it continue?"
Alex asked.

"No, no I'm good." I muttered, starting to make a quizlet.

We were quiet as we both studied, excluding the sounds of keys tapping or the scratching of pencils, and the clicking of pens. I got up to get a drink and sat back down, continuing my studies.

"Why is Mr.Leckman such a fucking goblin thot?" Alex hissed, glaring at his notes.

I choked out my drink, wheezing. Alex looked up to me with an amused face.

"A goblin thot?"
I asked, coughing and choking over my own laughter.

"I called him a mansnake motherfucker one time," Alex shrugged.

I continued to laugh, shaking my head. "You're so fucking weird Hamilton,"
I muttered.

"Believe me, I know." He said.
I smiled, looking back at him.

I didn't really realize neither of us were saying anything and just sort of staring at each other in awe.

He smiled lightly, looking back to his notes with a small sigh.

I bit my lip, going back to studying.
I looked up at Alex.
He glanced up, and I looked away.

I wiped my nose and just tried to focus on studying, hoping Alex wouldn't say something stupid and make me laugh.

Okay, a bit of me definitely wanted him to do that.

"Laur," Alex said.

I looked up.

He was staring forward.

"I'm going to fucking sneeze."

I snickered, looking back to my laptop. "Bless you." I muttered.

"I didn't sneeze yet! Damn it, John, you fucked up my sneeze." He said, wiping his nose.

I snickered again, saying,

I glanced back to Alex. He looked at his laptop, his hair falling into his face though it was relatively short.


I smiled softly.

Just me and Alex.
Against the world. 

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