Chapter Thirty Three

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John Pov
So Alex doesn't know how to ride a horse. I mean, he had an idea how to, and he got on the horse by himself, but once he started going he didn't know how to stop the damn horse. So that was interesting. Might I add, he almost fell off the horse and into a hole because of it. My boyfriend is so smart.

"Why'd ya bring Alex for Christmas?" Jemmy asked me, watching Alex almost fall again and Patsy helping him.

"He's your Christmas present, from me to you." I said, raising an eyebrow when Alex poked the horse and glared at his horse.

"No he's not!" Jemmy exclaimed, looking at me like he had just cracked the biggest mystery in the world.

"..He's my best friend and I'm an adult so I do what I want." I told him, looking to Jemmy.

"Did you ask pa first?"

Jemmy snickered shaking his head. "You wanna go down to the pond? Your old treehouse is still up!" Jemmy said excitedly.

A bit of me knew he'd been planning to ask me that for a long time.

"Of course. And the treehouse is still up?" I asked.

"Yup. Pa never took it down, and it never fell in the rain! You and Francis built that thing amazingly!" Jemmy grinned.

My smile faltered at the sound of Francis' name. To be honest, I think Francis and I might've worked shit out if I didn't hate being myself for being gay. Maybe not. There was a lot of shit that happened that led to our downfall. I don't know though. He was an asshole anyway.

I looked back to Alex who was seeming to get the hang of riding a horse and was laughing along to something with my sister.

"..Yeah, yeah we can go do that. I'm gonna tell Alex, okay? Stay here," I said, pushing my horse forward lightly.

"Mkay," Jemmy hummed.

I saw Alex moving pretty slowly, and staying near my sister. I slowed once I got near them, having my horse trot beside Alex's.

"I'm gonna go with Jemmy, okay?"
I said, glancing to my sister.

"Aight. I'll be falling off this horse. See you," Alex said, snickering.

I didn't leave for a moment, wanting to kiss him before I went with Jemmy.
I didn't.

I turned my horse around and left, smiling at my younger brother and following him to the pond.

"See?" Jemmy asked, getting off his horse and pointing up at the treehouse.

"Huh. Not even the rain blew that thing down." I said, staring up at it and hastily mounting off my horse.

"Damn shame." I muttered, wiping my hands on my sweatshirt.

"Wanna go in it?" Jemmy asked.

I glanced to him then back at the treehouse and slowly shook my head.

"I uh..I don't think that's a great idea."

"Come on! It'll be fun!"
He said, already going and climbing up the rope ladder.

"Jemmy I don't think that's safe-"

"It is! Me and my friend came up here during our last break," Jemmy called, climbing inside of it.

"Yeah and I think I might weigh a little bit more then your friend." I said, walking to the ladder and hoping beyond hope that the treehouse wouldn't fall.

Not while I'm watching him.
That'd be on me. If he fell off another high place under my supervision, I'd never forgive myself. I'm still getting over his last incident.

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